How is exorcism done?

In the ritual, the priest prays and throws holy water over the possessed person. This if we consider the ceremony of the Catholic Church, more discreet. In evangelical churches, the exorcism takes place in front of the public and the worker can even shake the possessed person.

“In a house, it is not possible to cohabit God and the Devil. Where God is, the Devil does not enter. The priest makes the family believe in the presence of God, and that eliminates the Devil”, says Father José Antonio Trasseretti, professor of theology at PUC Campinas.

Before the ritual, the priest checks to see if the person is really possessed. Generally, there are four signs of possession: mastery of unknown languages, knowledge of unlikely subjects (details of the exorcist’s life, for example), strength incompatible with the subject’s physical condition and age, and aversion to the sacred. With the possession confirmed, the priest begins the ritual, which follows the book Ritual de Exorcism and Other Supplications, published by the Vatican and reproduced in Brazil by Editora Paulus.


Catholic recipe to expel the Devil includes prayer, holy water and cross

1- The exorcism must be discreet, at home or in an oratory, with the presence of family members. If the victim has abnormal strength, he may be tied to a bed or chair. The place must have a crucifix and an image of the Virgin Mary

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2- The rite begins with the sprinkling of holy water, which can be salted. The water, thrown over the tormented person and over the others present, recalls the purification received in Baptism. Then the priest invites everyone to pray

3- Now it’s time for reza brava. The priest recites one or more psalms that extol Christ’s victory over the Evil One and reads passages from the Gospel. The next step is to lay hands on the tormented believer and read more words of faith

4- The main prayer, the Our Father, that everyone prays hand in hand. The priest makes the sign of the cross and blows on the face of the possessed believer, saying more sacred words against the devil.

5- The “formulas of exorcism” are the final prayers. There are two types: the deprecative, more “light”, and the imperative, used in more extreme cases. The rite ends with a song of thanksgiving, prayer and blessing.

6- After praying and drinking holy water, the priest assesses whether the Devil has left or not by the person’s face: if he is calm and demonstrates peace of mind, success! If it doesn’t work, new sessions will be rolled out.

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