What are the worst tortures with ropes and bars?

Unfortunately, the history of torture is as old as civilization. Ever since human beings organized themselves into societies and established rivalries, they began to create techniques to cause physical pain or psychological terror as a form of punishment or information extraction. Records prove that this sadism is independent of culture, religion or government system: it was present in Egypt, Rome, Greece, China and India. Prepare your nerves and face the journey through this sad chapter of human ingenuity – and discover, in the end, why this crime is heinous, absurd and ineffective.

ILLUSTRATIONS abacrombie ink

cursed inheritance

O macaw stick It is well known to Brazilians. It was used to punish slaves and, recently, opponents of the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). The tortured person is hung by his knees from a horizontal bar, with his hands tied at his shins. In addition to causing terrible pain throughout the body, the position leaves you completely vulnerable to beatings, shocks or burns.

USED ​​IN Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and El Salvador

The weight of the law (of gravity)

Being tied up and hung by your arms behind your back is terrible enough. But the pendulum it went further: the accusers released the rope briefly, then held it again. The person fell and braked abruptly. The thud was so violent it could break ribs and vertebrae. Between one question and another, the respondent never knew when he would be thrown again

USED ​​IN Medieval Europe


A table and chair don’t scare anyone. The problem is what’s on the table. The prisoner is forced to sit down and his hand is placed on the Tean Zu, capable of crushing his fingers very slowly – this way, the tormentor can conduct the interrogation in complete peace of mind. There is also a foot version, the Kia Quen.

USED ​​INSoutheast Asia

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the mouth of fear

Imagine fitting your leg between those wooden teeth. This instrument is aknee separator:it was at the level of the kneecaps and, as the side screws were turned, the thorns got closer until they punctured the skin. At some point, the pressure was so great that they tore the ligaments apart. You could also use the device on your elbows

USED ​​INMedieval Europe

stretch and pull

O dais spanned centuries and civilizations – from Egypt to Medieval Europe, passing through Greece and Rome. The interrogated is placed lying on a plate, with feet and hands tied. If he doesn’t «collaborate», the ropes are pulled – by levers, pulleys, people or even horses. The pain is excruciating. At the edge, bones and sinews are snapped and joints shattered

USED ​​IN Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome and Europe

This is part 1 of the article “THE WORST TORTURES IN HISTORY”. Check out the other parts:

PART 2: What are the worst tortures with boxes and cages?

PART 3: What was a torture session like in the Dragon Chair?

PART 4: What are the worst psychological tortures?

SOURCES Books The History of Torture and Executionby Jean Kellaway The History of Torture Throughout the Agesby George Ryley Scott, andTorture: The History of Political Repression in Brazil, by Antonio Carlos Fon; websites Dictatorship Archives, cnv.gov.br It is ohchr.org

CONSULTANCY John Schiemann, professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson University and author of Interrogational Torture: Or How Good Guys Get Bad Information with Ugly MethodsAlfred W. McCoy, professor of history at the University of Wisconsin and author of A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terrorand Darius Rejali, professor of political science at Reed College and author of Torture and Democracy

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