What was the real reason for Brazil to enter World War II?

The most immediate reason was the sinking of several Brazilian merchant ships by German and Italian submarines during the first half of 1942. “As a result, the population took to the streets in Rio de Janeiro demanding the declaration of war on the Axis”, says historian Ricardo Seitenfus, from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), in Rio Grande do Sul. However, Brazil’s participation in the Second World War involved a delicate balance between economic, commercial, political and strategic issues. In the years prior to the conflict, the country had been increasing its trade with Hitler’s Germany until, at the end of the 1930s, it became the sixth largest German trading partner.

In addition, there were sectors of the Brazilian government that sympathized with the Nazi-fascists, and the attitudes of President Getúlio Vargas himself even fueled rumors that Brazil could join the Eixo, the alliance that brought together Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other hand, the United States offered broad financial and military cooperation if Brazil withdrew from the enemy bloc,” says Ricardo. The moment was opportune for Brazil to try to take advantage of both sides. In this negotiation, those who put the most advantages on the table were the Americans, who offered economic collaboration, help to re-equip the Armed Forces and financial support for the construction of the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, in Volta Redonda (RJ), which boosted the modernization of the industrial park.

At the same time, American diplomacy pressured Brazil to obtain rubber, ores and other strategic materials in the war effort, in addition to being authorized to install military bases in the Northeast, a key region for controlling the South Atlantic. Washington’s greatest ally in South America, Brazilian ships became Axis targets. In 1942, torpedoes from German submarines also hit the stability of the Vargas government, which, in the face of public pressure, ended up declaring war on August 22nd.

On top of the wall Government expressed sympathy for the Nazis, but ended up joining the allies

June 1940

Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas makes speeches demonstrating sympathy for the cause of the Axis countries. Some generals suggest support for Germany

January 1942

Pressured by the American government, Brazil breaks diplomatic and commercial relations with Germany, Italy and Japan

First Semester of 1942

Brazilian merchant ships are torpedoed by German and Italian submarines. In all, 36 ships sink, killing nearly a thousand people.

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August 1942

After dozens of student and popular demonstrations against the Nazis, the Brazilian government declares war on Germany and Italy

July 1944

Organized a year earlier, the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) shipped 25,000 soldiers to Europe. Of this total, 465 die and 1,517 are injured.

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