What are the main Illuminati symbols?

Separating the wheat from the chaff

There are historical records that, like any social group, the Bavarian Illuminati created codes that united them and facilitated communication. But, since they became a “pop conspiracy”, other symbols were attributed to them, as supposed clues to identify anonymous members. Check below which icons have historical proof and which are still pure speculation



It was stamped on the carpet in the room where the Bavarian Minervals gathered. On each side appeared the letters D and P, for “deo proximo” (“God is close by”, in Latin). On the dollar bill, the figure has 13 levels (supposedly the 13 family lines, as you saw on page 21) and is not complete (indicating that the sect has not yet achieved its goals)


Wisdom and permanent alertness. It was essential for the Bavarians: it appeared in the medallions of Minervals and Illuminati Minor. The bird is also the symbol of the Bohemian Grove, a legendary private site in California, where forbidden experiments are supposed to take place and where Richard Nixon is said to have struck a deal with Ronald Reagan to hand over the US presidency to him.


To become Regent, the candidate had to enter a room where there was a skeleton, a crown and a scepter, and answer whether that body was that of a king, a noble or a beggar. The ritual served to remind him of his own mortality. The secret society Skull & Bones also uses the skull as an emblem. In Freemasonry, he appears on the mat in the Master Mason


Weishaupt was fascinated by Zoroastrianism, the religion of Persia (now Iran) with many references to flames and flames. Hence, there is a lot of red in Illuminati iconography. Not by chance, the Statue of Liberty, created by Freemason Frédéric Bartholdi, carries a torch. For conspirologists, it represents the establishment of the New World Order.


«The eye that sees everything»

Freemasonry’s darling: it would be a reminder that the Great Architect of the Universe watches everything we do. It’s on the 1 dollar bill, which bears the inscription “1776”, the year of US independence (and, coincidentally, the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati). But the group preferred to use another icon, similar: a circle with a dot inside

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Monarch butterfly

Springmeier, the same conspiracy theorist of the 13 families theory, claims that the «enlightened ones» have a worldwide mind control program called Monarch. It is activated by images of this type of butterfly or kittens, zebras, doors and even windows. According to the researcher, more than 2 million Americans have already been enslaved by this system.


More than 9,000 Freemasons were present at the inauguration of the version in Washington DC (right at the crossroads of the White House and the three major political monuments in the city!) This type of work is also in all the great centers of power in the world – New York, London, Vatican, São Paulo… But there are no reports that it was adopted by Weishaupt


One of the theories for the origin of the group is linked to Satan. By extension, there are those who claim that this number is also idolized among the «enlightened». Coming from the book of Revelation, in the Bible, it has already been “identified” as a subliminal message in movies, music videos and even logos of companies that support the New Order


In 1791, US President George Washington commissioned Frenchman Pierre Charles L¿Enfant, a notorious Freemason, to design the nation’s capital, Washington DC On the city map, you can see an upside down version of the pentagram . This reinforced the association of this protective symbol, also used by Satanists, with the Illuminati.


In Freemasonry, the pentagram is used by the female order of the Star of the East

SOURCES Books Larousse Secret Societiesseveral authors, and The Most Evil Secret Societies in Historyby Shelley Klein, SUPERINTERESSANTE magazine and websites Illuminati Rex, Illuminati Symbols and Discovery


What are the hidden symbols on the 1 dollar bill?

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