What are the erogenous zones of men and women?

Potentially, all areas of the body are erogenous, regardless of whether you are male or female. “Our biggest sexual organ is the skin”, jokes the sexologist Carmem Janssen. Each person has their preferences and the only way to find out is to explore. According to gynecologist and sexologist Theo Lerner, arousal also depends on the situation in which the caress takes place and the interpretation our brain gives to each type. That’s why an area seen as exciting by one person can be disgusting to another: it all depends on how the brain responds to the stimulus – and each case is different. Who warns you, friend: although there are some more popular erogenous zones, what matters at H-time is not where you caress, but how.


The most popular erogenous zones are parts of the body that have many nerve endings.


With or without ulterior motives, everyone loves massage. That’s because, like the neck, the back also accumulates a lot of tension. As it is a robust area, it can be stimulated in many ways: it is good for kissing, squeezing, nibbling and lightly scratching


A lot of people don’t like it, but even Sandy knows that anus can be pleasurable. As the entire anal perimeter is innervated, light touches at the entrance to the orifice can be exciting. In men, the prostate is also a source of pleasure and can be accessed in two ways: with touches in the region between the scrotum and the anus or inside the anus


There is controversy about the feet: they have all the characteristics of an erogenous zone, but they can trigger shivers of pleasure in some people and shivers of disgust in others. It is necessary to respect the individuality of each partner


All parts of the penis are erogenous zones, but beware: a stronger grip on the testicles and the mood can go down the drain. The glans (top of the penis) also requires delicacy. It can be considered the equivalent of the female clitoris, because it has a similar embryological origin.


It’s an area that accumulates tension, so it’s not bad to get kisses and cuddles there. A well-washed and scented neck also serves to hook your partner through the sense of smell.


When we kiss, the lips increase in volume because of the blood flow in the area. The thin skin of the mouth is supersensitive to touch, taste and temperature stimuli. Nibbles often add to the excitement; bites cut the mood

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Girls’ and boys’ nipples are equally sensitive to touch. In the case of women, it is worth paying attention (be careful not to hurt!) to the entire breast region


Few people explore it, but the back of the knees and elbows is an area where the skin is very thin, as is the groin. In these places, nerve endings are more exposed and tactile sensitivity is immense.


The inner part of the vagina has a lot of elasticity and can expand a lot during sex. The most sensitive region is the outer part, at the entrance to the vaginal canal, but the ideal is to try to reconcile stimuli in the inner and outer region simultaneously


Located at the top of the vagina, right at the junction of the labia minora, the clitoris only “works” if it is touched very gently. For some researchers, the so-called “G-spot” would be an internal extension of it, with almost 8 thousand nerve fibers

QUESTION Sacha Martins Schuler, Belo Horizonte, MG

SOURCESBooks A Celebration of Sexby Douglas E. Rosenau, and Touch Me There!: A Hands-On Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spotsby Yvonne K. Fulbright

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