What is the borojó for, an energizing fruit!

It is a green to brown fruit with great health benefits, here we tell you What is borojó for?.

The borojó is medium in size, with a delicious flavor and is characterized by its acidic and dense pulp. It is a fruit that is high in protein, phosphorus, vitamin B and C, and at the same time provides calcium and iron to the body.

What is borojó for and how is it prepared?

Borojo is widely used for respiratory problems, malnutrition, hypertension, it is used as an energizer and also as a hair treatment. In addition, it is a well-known food for treating sexual impotence since it acts as an aphrodisiac. It is believed that it increases libido although there is no evidence to prove it and it is said that it is more of a cultural issue.

However, these are not the only benefits that borojó has, as it also stands out because its pulp serves as a mask for oily skin, for healing and swelling from blows. It is also a very good fruit for the kidneys, as it brings great benefits thanks to its properties, especially when consumed in juices or smoothies.

Benefits of borojó

For years this drink has been used to balance the level of sugar in the blood, relieve menstrual discomfort and bronchial infections, among its other endless benefits.

Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the properties of this fruit, you can consume it in delicious juices or smoothies. You can prepare it pure, you can also add lemon or complement it with any other fruit. In some cases, natural water or sparkling water can be added to give it a more refreshing touch.

What is borojó juice with milk for?

The mixture of borojó juice with milk is ideal for strengthening bones, teeth, and gums. In addition, it helps the best functioning of the heart, the nervous system and the digestive system. This drink is a source of phosphorus, rich in vitamin C and with a high level of antioxidants, which is why it is wonderful for human health.

What is borojo juice with granulated kola for?

According to cultural beliefs, this mixture of borojó with granulated kola can help fertility. All you have to do is add a tablespoon of granulated kola, a raw egg and a teaspoon of vanilla essence to the borojó juice, blend and that’s it. Although it is not proven by science, many couples use it as a home remedy.

Properties of borojó in the hair

The borojó combined with honey is a mixture that helps to hydrate, nourish, and repair the hair. All you have to do is mix the ingredients in a bowl and stir them very well until they are perfectly incorporated. Then you have to apply this home remedy on the hair from the roots to the ends, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse. Almost immediately you will be able to see the results and how beautiful your hair looks.

How should borojo juice be taken?

The good thing about this fruit is that it can be consumed in different ways. It can be eaten from its natural state, even used to make compotes, preserves, sweets, dehydrated fruit, ice cream, popsicles or sandwiches.


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