When did bread appear?


This food was born with agriculture itself, about 12,000 years ago, when plants with grains began to be cultivated. “The oldest breads were probably made from barley, the first cereal to be planted by man”, says historian Emanuel Bouzon, from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in Rio de Janeiro. “The first Sumerian peoples, in Babylon, already had bread.” Initially dry and hard, it was cooked after the invention of pottery in 3000 BC Later, in 1800 BC, the Egyptians discovered how to make it softer and more flavorful. They noticed that, after a certain time, the moistened dough released gases, making the bread more porous. They did a test: they mixed part of this fermented dough with another fresh one. She also fermented. Thus, they learned to control the process and make leavened or fermented bread, a technique still used today.