Who has more pleasure in orgasm?

It is not possible to “measure” pleasure by giving a score from 0 to 10, for example. But theoretically, some female sexual characteristics suggest that women have the potential for more intense orgasms. At least that was the result of the “loving game” that we simulate in these pages. We compared the male and female orgasm in five aspects and, in the end, the women got the better of an “ahhhhh”! But that’s not saying much, because in sex, potential doesn’t always turn into reality. According to the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis, in New York, every human being is born with the potential to have an average of 5,000 orgasms throughout life. But hardly anyone hits that mark because our body is not a machine. To get there you need to know your own body, be healthy and calm. “Anxiety, internal demands and external pressures (‘Can someone come?’) can make pleasure unfeasible”, says sexologist Laura Muller, author of the book 500 Questions on Sex. And of course: condom on the big boy, to end any plumbing!

letters in bed Women cum longer, men get there faster. Who win?


Point for men. To cum, women need to be stimulated more than men. After about 10 minutes of foreplay, a woman still needs 8 to 20 minutes of penetration to get there. But men hardly hold back for that long. About a third of guys ejaculate in less than 1 minute.


Point for women. After ejaculating, men need some time to rest to prepare for a new orgasm. Women don’t need this break, which allows some (10% to 15%) to have up to nine orgasms in the same sex! It’s the so-called multiple orgasm, which the man only achieves if he holds the ejaculation for many minutes.

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Point for women. Men usually ejaculate as soon as they reach orgasm – it’s almost impossible to hold back. This makes your orgasms less lasting. Since women do not ejaculate (at least most of them do), typical orgasmic muscle contractions last 5 to 10 seconds longer than in men.


Point for women. Although both sexes have different zones of arousal throughout the body, male stimulation is generally restricted to the penis. Women, on the other hand, usually receive more varied caresses: on the breasts, neck and buttocks, for example.


Point for men. Although anyone can have orgasms while sleeping, this only happens to 70% of women, according to a study by American sexologist Alfred Kinsey. Already among men, this is practically mandatory. Every boy has woken up wet in the middle of the night after a naughty dream.

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