What was sex like in prehistory?

HOW IS THE SEX? Prehistory
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Prehistoric men already distinguished sex from reproduction, used natural cosmetics to increase flirting, had sex in very different positions than daddy-and-mommy and even used contraceptive methods. At least that is what studies done by archaeologists based on objects such as statues and cave paintings indicate.

You just can’t be sure because Prehistory is characterized precisely by the lack of written documents. “Getting to the truth about prehistory is almost impossible. Prehistoric art, much of which has explicit sexual content, obviously reveals things people thought about but cannot fully reflect what they actually did. The Prehistory of Sex. See here what scientists discovered about the sexual habits that shaped the minds of humanity that inhabited the planet between 2 million BC and 4000 BC


In the Stone Age, contraceptive methods and masturbation were already part of the sexual routine.

No mommy and daddy in Prehistory. An image found in Ur, Mesopotamia, dating from 3200 BC, shows the woman on top, a position also found in works of art from Greece, Peru, China, India and Japan. Another prehistoric image shows the woman sitting with her legs raised to facilitate the man’s penetration. The relationship with penetration from behind also appears frequently, as well as images of oral sex

In the Paleolithic, the Chipped Stone Age, dominant males married multiple females, following the behavior of polygynous animals such as bison and deer. Already in the Neolithic, the Polished Stone Age, monogamy becomes predominant. At that time, men began to domesticate animals. Observing the lifestyle of the animals and the role of the male in procreation, men began to monogamy

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There is no lack of examples of the practice of solitary sex in Prehistory: there are statues and phallic sticks carved in wood or stone. One of the statues, from Malta, shows a woman masturbating with her legs apart around 4000 BC Another depicts a seated man disheveling the clown in 5000 BC

Men have been using medicinal plants for at least 40,000 years. There is no direct evidence, but archaeologists suspect that plants of the genus Anneilema were used to prevent pregnancy, while borage was probably already used to ease the symptoms of premenstrual tension in women and as an aphrodisiac for men.

Researchers point out that male and female homosexual activity is common in more than 200 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects, which could indicate that it was also practiced by prehistoric men. Among the great apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas, there is also sex between animals of the same gender.

Prehistoric man’s relationship with animals was very close – even too close! There is a cave painting from around 3000 BC, in Val Camonica, Italy, that shows a man copulating with a donkey! In Siberia, images of men copulating with moose appear – in one of the paintings, the man is wearing skis on his feet while having sex with the animal.

Men made erotic statues that can be considered the ancestors of pornography. The most famous is known as the Venus of Willendorf: a woman with large buttocks and breasts with traces of red dye, found in a region with traces of occupation from up to 40,000 years ago. At that time, Europe was experiencing the Ice Age, and chubby women would have greater resistance potential, and that’s why they may have been the hottest of the time

When flirting, prehistoric man already had cosmetics made from plants, such as henna, used in hair. It is known that belladonna extracts were used to dilate the pupils and thus attract more attention. There were also reddish pigments, which highlighted parts of the skin, and jewelry made from stones, wood or animal teeth.

When man became a biped, the body began to have new foci of sexual attraction. Women’s breasts, the only female primates with permanently large breasts, have become as attractive as their asses. Thus, the human being became one of the few animals that have sex face to face, while other animals practice coitus from behind.

CONTINUE: What was sex like in ancient times?

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