How are winds formed?


Classified as horizontal or vertical (ascending or descending), winds are formed by differences in pressure and temperature between layers of air. “When an air mass with high atmospheric pressure or low temperature moves towards a region of low pressure, vertical winds are generated”, says meteorologist Mário Festa, from the Astronomical and Geophysical Institute of the University of São Paulo. Vertical winds are also formed when the layer of hot air close to the ground rises (because it is lighter), replaced by a cold one, which descends. In the case of horizontal winds, the process is similar: when the air mass over a region heats up, it rises; however, its place will be filled by cold air masses that are in the vicinity.

vertical winds

They occur when the air close to the ground heats up, becomes lighter and rises, being replaced by the layer above.

horizontal winds

Warm air mass near the ground rises and is replaced by cooler masses at the side

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