What is panspermia?


It’s the theory that life on Earth came from space, hitching a ride on a meteorite. Our planet has indeed received many meteorites. Bacteria could survive such a trip, coming from Mars, for example. Due to gravity and the size of the red planet, it is easier for a meteorite to come from there to here than to do the opposite way. Life could also have come from Jupiter or Saturn, because both have satellites where there is water. This idea is considered reasonable by science. The hypothesis that life came from a star is much more remote, because the distances are much greater: it would be difficult for a form of life to resist trips that last, in these cases, millions of years. “Panspermia is just a reasonable hypothesis that can explain the origin of life, but almost all scientists in the area maintain that the simplest theory is that life was created right here, where conditions are favorable”, says Gustavo Porto de Mello , professor of astronomy at UFRJ.


– Some people associate panspermia with the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations


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SOURCE Look Vital Website (UFRJ)

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