How do anabolic steroids work in the body?

The main action is the increase of water inside the muscle cells. The swelling, associated with working out, makes the muscles grow faster. But this is just one of the changes brought about by the “bombs”. More correctly called anabolic steroids, they are artificial drugs, the key ingredient of which is an imitation of testosterone, the main male hormone. There are more than 20 types of anabolic steroids, for oral or injectable use. After entering the body, steroids invade certain cells – such as muscle and liver cells – and cause biochemical changes. In the muscles, in addition to retaining fluids, anabolic steroids accelerate metabolic activity (see the infographic on the side). “Drugs increase anabolism, which is the post-exercise phase, in which the body replenishes energy and rebuilds degenerated cells”, says physician Bernardino Santi, state doping coordinator for the Brazilian Football Confederation. If the subject works hard in the gym, he can gain up to eight times more muscle mass than a normal workout. The “magic” is expensive for the organism. The side effects are devastating and can lead to death. But anabolic steroids can also have positive effects. Under medical control, they are indicated for those suffering from degenerative diseases, hormone replacement and even for astronauts after long stays in space.

bombastic effect Drugs invade cells and trigger an explosion in muscles

1. Anabolic steroids can be administered orally or by injection. Once in the bloodstream, drug molecules circulate throughout the body. On the journey, they penetrate the cells that form the various organs, such as the liver and heart, and the muscles

2. These molecules cause changes in the cytoplasm (the inside of cells). Through osmosis, for example, the water that is around the cells penetrates inside them. With that, they swell

3. Due to the extra dose of hormone, cell metabolism increases – it’s as if the cell had all functions accelerated. The “pile”, the swelling and the intense exercises provoke muscular hypertrophy. That is, the muscles grow and appear

4. Because it is elastic, the cell increases in volume many times. For a while the muscles, which are also elastic, accept this tension. Thus, the pumped gains mass quickly

5. As tendons are fixed and rigid structures, they cannot withstand the sudden increase in muscle mass. They can break or, worse, detach from the bones. Excess hormone also prevents the body from absorbing calcium, weakening the bones.

internal tsunami Used without medical advice, steroids have devastating side effects.


Because of excess testosterone, the testes stop producing hormones and atrophy. Libido decreases and the man becomes impotent and sterile

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The organ works like a power plant, processing everything that enters the organism. Exaggerated use of the drug causes a general breakdown, and the liver is no longer able to handle the work. In more severe cases, the overload causes nodules in the cells, which lead to cancer.


With overload, the liver produces more bad cholesterol (LDL) than good (HDL). Fat accumulates in the artery walls of the heart and brain. Clogged pipes can cause strokes and strokes.


The body goes haywire because of too much testosterone. Acne appears and hair falls out irreversibly. Women become masculinized and gain body hair. In men, breasts can grow


In addition to psychological dependence, “bombs” can cause depression, irritability, delusions, mental confusion and memory difficulties.


The heart enlarges and a heart attack can occur because of clogged arteries. Water retention causes high blood pressure

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– How are anti-doping tests done?

– Why do some athletes die fulminating deaths?

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