What was the Ottoman Empire?

It began to be born in the 11th century, when nomadic Turkic tribes settled in Anatolia, a region that is now part of Turkey. Such tribes helped spread the Muslim religion in lands that until then were under the rule of another empire, the Byzantine. “The term Ottoman derives from the name Osman, or, in Arabic, Uthman,” says English historian Malcolm Yapp of the University of London. Osman, or Othman I (1258-1324), was a Turkish chief who turned these nomadic tribes into an imperial dynasty. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Ottoman Empire became one of the strongest states in the world, encompassing much of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa. In addition to military might, what helped to ensure this expansion was the Ottomans’ tolerance of the traditions and religions of the conquered peoples.

“The Christian Orthodox Church, which predominated in the Byzantine lands, was maintained. The Jews persecuted by the Christians in the Iberian Peninsula also found refuge in the Ottoman territories”, says historian Giulia Crippa, from the University of São Paulo (USP), in Ribeirão Preto (SP). The empire began to decline in the 17th century. The economic activities of the conquered peoples were conducted on their own initiative, which caused the general economy of the empire to slowly disintegrate. Political instability increased more and more until, in 1909, the sultan – as the Ottoman leaders were called – Abdul Hamid II was deposed by a rebellion. This change started the modernization of the empire, greatly influenced by Germany, alongside which the Turks fought in the First World War (1914-1918). The defeat in the confrontation further tumultuous the already torn apart empire, which was abolished shortly afterwards, in 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed.

Ready for the fight Two important victories and two defeats in the history of this power


In 1453, the Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople, which was renamed Istanbul. The victory marks the definitive supremacy of the Turks over the Byzantine Empire, which they had been fighting since the 11th century.


In the centuries following the victory over the Byzantines, the Ottomans continued to face the European Christians in an attempt to dominate the continent. Between 1715 and 1718, however, they are defeated by Austria and the expansion fails.

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Between 1853 and 1856, the Ottoman Empire fought the Crimean War with Russia. At stake are territories where Romania and the Crimean peninsula are located in Ukraine today. With the support of France and England, the Turks win


The allies of the Crimean War became enemies in the First War. It is that, in the quest for modernization, the Ottomans approached Germany. Alongside that country, the Turks are defeated in the great world conflict

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