Are electric mosquito vaporizers harmful?


They contain a weak type of poison but they are really harmful – so much so that they are prohibited for children under one year old and people with allergic or respiratory problems. And even for those who don’t suffer from these evils, prolonged use can affect the immune system, causing allergy. The formula is usually composed of pyrethroids, synthetic derivatives of pyrethrin, a substance found in chrysanthemums. “There are rare cases in which they cause seizures, headache, abdominal pain, agitation, irritability and depression or stress. As they are neurotoxic (act in the brain), they can even destroy neurons”, says Carlos Fernando Collares, a toxicologist specialized in pyrethroids. The toxic effect is aggravated because, most of the time, the device is not used well. “The right thing is to leave a window open. Another caution is the distance between the person and the vaporizer: 2.5 meters, at least”, says toxicologist Darcilea Amaral, from the Intoxication Control Center of the City of São Paulo.

She recommends turning the device on hours before bedtime, with the window open – and, at bedtime, turning it off and closing the window, so the insects don’t come back.