What is the biggest frog in the world?

The world’s largest anuran – an order of tailless jumping amphibians, which includes toads, frogs and tree frogs – is not a frog. It’s the goliath frog (Conraua goliath), which can measure up to 35 centimeters and 3.5 kilos, equivalent to a cat’s weight! The main difference between frogs and toads is that the latter live on dry land, while frogs love an aquatic environment. Therefore, the hind legs of frogs have webs between the toes, not found in frogs. “The goliath frog lives in environments with running water, such as streams, and near waterfalls. Although it is edible, it is not bred commercially”, says zoologist Célio Haddad, from the São Paulo State University (Unesp), in Rio Claro (SP). Also called the African Bullfrog, it lives in the rainforests of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, two countries in West Africa. Despite its size, it retains the agility of its smaller cousins ​​and can jump a distance of 3 meters. As a baby, the goliath frog eats only plants, but as an adult it includes insects, fish, crustaceans and other amphibians in its diet. The species was discovered in 1906 and is already threatened with extinction, mainly because of the destruction of its habitat and uncontrolled hunting. The animal is also highly sought after by collectors. In the United States, a copy can cost 3 thousand dollars!

large amphibians Species found in Brazil can reach 25 centimeters in length

CURURU TOAD (Bufo marinus)

Size – Up to 25 centimeters

Region of origin – From the Amazon to Mexico

Curiosity – One of its main characteristics is having warts all over the body. Introduced in Australia, it has become a pest there, where it has no natural enemies.

BULL FROG (Rana catesbeiana)

Size – About 20cm

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Region of Origin – North America

Curiosity – Its vigorous croak resembles the bellowing of a bull. Due to its nutritious and tasty meat, it is the main edible frog in the world. When food is lacking, the species resorts to cannibalism.

PEPPER FROG (Leptodactylus labyrinthicus)

Size – About 20cm

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Region of Origin – South America

Curiosity – The largest frog in Brazil feeds on other amphibians, small birds and even snakes. It spends the day hiding in sheltered places and comes out hunting at night.

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