Is having sex good for health?

Sexual reproduction only exists in the human species because it guarantees our survival. If we didn’t exchange genes with each other, we would be a ripe dish for microbes, among other threats. Genetic variation prevents a disease caused by a single virus, for example, from wiping out the entire species – be it the human species or any other species.

If having sex brings benefits, being alone for a long time can harm your health. “The lack of sex has consequences for men. There is an effect known as blue balls, in which the testicles are painful due to the accumulation of fluids. And, if abstinence is not a deliberate act, it can also bring negative psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety”, says psychologist Oswaldo Rodrigues Jr., director of the Instituto Paulista de Sexualidade.

Excess is not enough to do harm. “There’s only a problem when it becomes the focus of everyday actions”, says psychologist Iracema Teixeira, from the Brazilian Society of Studies in Human Sexuality.

Now that you know that sex is a natural and pleasurable remedy, just don’t forget to protect yourself against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

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Safe sex helps prevent diseases such as prostate cancer and reduces the risk of heart attacks

head in place
Sex releases endorphins and serotonin in the brain. These neurotransmitters reduce stress and depression and, in addition, help regulate sleep. An active sex life increases self-esteem and prevents psychological disorders in general.

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there is heart
The habit of having sex three or more times a week reduces the risk of heart attack in half in men. The increase in cardiac activity during the sexual act improves the irrigation and oxygenation of the body, making it difficult for fat to accumulate in the blood vessels.

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Women who are more sexually active have higher levels of the hormone estrogen, which is essential for keeping skin smooth and glowing. In addition to helping to treat the skin, this hormone helps fight osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

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Those who have an active sex life keep the immune system always alert. Recent research has proven that having sex once or twice a week increases the level of immunoglobulin A, a type of antibody found in the digestive and respiratory systems, by 30%.

against cancer
Ejaculation eliminates carcinogenic elements that accumulate in the seminal fluid. This reduces the incidence of prostate cancer, one of the leading causes of death among men. It’s just not worth forgetting the condom, because without it infections can occur that increase the risk of cancer by 40%.

total workout
Pelvis, thighs, chest, neck, arms, legs, belly, buttocks. Sex works the musculature of all these parts of the body. But, before canceling the gym, know that a sexual act burns, on average, 150 calories, the equivalent of just 20 minutes of walking

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Shortly after intercourse, prolactin is produced. Research carried out with rodents, not yet proven in tests with humans, show that this hormone stimulates the area of ​​the brain responsible for smell.

natural analgesic
«Not today love. I have a headache.» That excuse no longer works. Even because orgasm has a powerful analgesic effect. At the height of sexual intercourse there is a strong discharge of endorphins into the bloodstream. These substances help fight pain

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