The race of Scooby-Doo and six other fictional dogs

The clumsiest dog in fiction is a Great Dane, one of the largest dogs of the breed, which can measure 1 meter in height and weigh up to 80 kg. Physically, he even resembles the animal that inspired him. But in personality, it’s quite different – ​​something that Iwao Takamoto, the creator of the cartoon, says he did on purpose to please children.

Affectionate and intelligent, a true Great Dane would never tremble in fear when seeing its owner in danger. He tends to be very suspicious of strangers and even aggressive if threatened, which is why he is often used as a guard dog.

Were you curious? Next, we compare other famous animals with their supposed races.


Mickey was right when he said «Oh, Pluto, I can’t stay mad at you». He belongs to the bloodhound breed, really very kind. Originally, this type of dog is a hunting dog, with an excellent sense of smell – which explains the many times that the Disney character went looking for squirrels, skunks and other animals in different drawings.


Inspired by Maurício de Sousa’s childhood schnauzer, Bidu was gray in his first appearances. Only with the passage of time, she turned blue. The little dog is famous for his cleverness and his critical sense – something that does not correspond to real life. Schnauzers are good companions, but not particularly intelligent.

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The behavior of the faithful friend of the reporter Tintin matches well with that of his breed, the fox terrier. He is independent, energetic and affectionate – a really good companion for adventures. But of course, no animal in real life would trade a saucer of milk for a shot of Loch Lomond, Milu’s favorite whiskey.


There has already been a story in which Cebolinha himself finally discovered the breed of his bizarre pet: it is a Lhasa Apso (with little grooming). One thing in common between Floquinho and his fellow breeders is that both have very calm, almost neutral personalities.


Faithful representative of his breed in the real world, Snoopy’s joy can only be matched by the animation of a beagle. Playful, curious and quite intelligent, real beagles would only envy Snoopy’s multiple personalities and idiomatic ability, who speaks English and a little French.

Santa helper

Equivalent to the greyhound in real life, he is a racing dog. Despite being trained to be a police officer in one of the episodes, the race is usually very calm, friendly and kind. Neither the greyhounds nor the Helper are known for their high intelligence – which is to say, a perfect pet for the dopey Homer.

Source: Mauro Lantzman, veterinary specialist in animal behavior

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