Conspiracy Theory: Andrew Carlssin, the Time Traveler

ILLUSTRATES Aluísio Cervelle Santos

1. According to reports available on the web, Andrew Carlssin became famous after be arrested in 2003 for alleged fraud on the New York Stock Exchange. In two weeks, the rookie earned US$ 350 million. He had multiplied over 430,000 times his initial $800 investment!

two.Carlssin had performed 126 high risk transactions – and they all worked. Some made profits much higher than expected. This “luck” caught the attention of investigators at the US Securities and Exchange Commission, who accused him of having access to privileged information.

3. According to the new millionaire, he really did. But these infos came from the future! Questioned by the FBI at the maximum security compound on Rikers Island, east of Manhattan, Carlssin claimed to be a time TRAVELLER, of the year 2256. Therefore, he knew in advance the fluctuations that would affect the market

4. To prove that he was telling the truth, Carlssin proposed revealing future events, such as the cure for AIDS and the whereabouts of terrorist Osama Bin Laden. In return, he wanted his freedom to return to the 23rd century in his “timeship” – supposedly hidden away to prevent the technology from falling into the wrong hands.

5. The conversation, in a closed cell, lasted four hours and was allegedly recorded by a camera. The most intriguing thing is that, according to the websites reporting the case, the agents did not find no record on any citizen named Andrew Carlssin before December 2002, when the complaint was filed

6. In February 2003, the case made headlines in the main news sites and entertainment in the US, such as Yahoo!, triggering a wave of speculation about the matter. To this day, information circulates on the internet and causes an uproar among conspiracy theory experts.


Story was invented by English tabloid

– The mentions of the case on the internet can be traced back to their origin: the sensationalist tabloid gave the “scoop” Weekly World Newswhich already on the second page warns that “most reported cases are fictions”

– Some recent versions of this news are illustrated with an arrest report. But the alleged photo of Carlssin is actually of another scammer: Ralph Cioffi R., former fund manager at Bear Stearns bank

– At the time, the US economy was heavily affected by investments in the Iraq War. Even if you hit 126 trades, it was very unlikely that someone would get $350 million in 14 days.

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– If Carlssin revealed Bin Laden’s whereabouts, why was he only found more than eight years later? And even today the cure for AIDS is uncertain.

– Even if time travel is possible with some new technology, it may not be feasible by quantum physics. According to the British Stephen Hawking, expert in physics, a ship that came from the future would violate the fundamental law that the cause must exist before the effect.

– Developments of Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity only allow for journeys into the future, through the dilation of space-time. “It is enough for the traveler to accelerate until reaching speeds close to that of light”, explains Bruno Arderucio, a physicist from the University of British Columbia, in Canada


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CONSULTANCYAdemar José Gevaerd, ufologist and editor of UFO magazine, and Bruno Arderucio, physicist in general relativity from the University of British Columbia

SOURCES Websites The Sydney Morning Herald, Earth, techworld, R7, Yahoo!, Scientific American, Weekly World News and documentary The World’s First Time Machinefrom the Discovery Science Channel

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