What is the difference between leopard and cheetah?

Although they look alike, there are several physical differences between them. Perhaps the most visible is the size: while the leopard is more muscular, the cheetah is slender. In the table beside, we explain the main distinctions between them, but it is clear that these two members of the feline family also have several points in common. Both the leopard (Panthera pardus) and the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) have a solitary lifestyle and an average lifespan of 12 years in captivity. The gestation of the cubs of both species lasts around three months, but the cheetah’s litters are usually more numerous (up to eight cubs) than that of the leopards (a maximum of four). And is there a climate between these two species that are so similar? “Despite the similarities, leopards and cheetahs do not mate with each other”, says Patrícia Tricorache, director of the non-governmental organization Fund for the Conservation of Cheetahs. Today, it is estimated that the population of each of these animals does not even reach 10,000 individuals.

Not all cats are brown Leopard jumps a lot; cheetah is faster


Being able to reach 1.7 meters, the leopard is usually larger and heavier than the cheetah, which, on average, does not exceed 1.5 meters. The leopard is muscular, while the cheetah is a skinnier type, with a slender body and longer legs. Another tip to differentiate them is the size of the head in relation to the body: the leopard is much more “big-headed”.


From afar, the two appear to have the same coat. However, up close, you can see that the leopard’s spots are in the shape of rosettes – irregular circles – «empty» in the center. Cheetah spots are round or oval black dots. In addition, the cheetah has a striking black stripe between the eyes and the mouth (see photo in the Subspecies item). The leopard does not have this “black tear”.


Only the leopard has the ability to climb trees, where it takes to the carcass of its victims, avoiding competition with other carnivores, such as lions. Except when young, the cheetah does not have this ability, but it also has its tricks: unlike most cats, the cheetah’s claws are not retractable. The fact that they are always exposed helps the cheetah to gain more traction in races.

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Both the cheetah and the leopard inhabit regions of savannah, typically African vegetation, where few trees and a lot of shrubs and undergrowth are found. The difference is that the cheetah only lives in savannas, while the leopard is a species that is also adapted to other types of habitats. It can be found in tropical forest regions and more mountainous areas.


When hunting, everyone has a tactic. The leopard attacks at night, while the cheetah prefers dawn or dusk. The leopard jumps 6 meters away and uses this “weapon” to capture gazelles, zebras, antelopes… The cheetah has a super-fast start to attack its victims: it reaches 110 km/h in 3.4 seconds! The “slow” leopard has an average speed of 58 km/h.


Among the big cats, the leopard is the most widespread in the world. It is found throughout most of the African continent (except the Sahara Desert) and a large region of South Asia, from Turkey to Southeast Asia. The cheetah lives almost exclusively in Africa (mainly in Kenya and Namibia), although a few animals are found in restricted areas of Asia.


The cheetah is a unique species of feline, with no “direct relatives”. On the other hand, there are about 20 subspecies of leopard. The best known are the black panther (Panthera pardus melas), which has an all-black body, and the Siberian leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), which lives in Russia. In time: despite its name, the snow leopard (Leo uncia) is not a leopard, since it belongs to another animal genus.

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– How does the leopard hunt?

– What is the difference between leopard and jaguar?

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