Meaning of moles on the face: Reveal your real personality

This is the meaning of moles on the face that you may not know yet, but that can give you a lot of light on some hidden aspects or that you do not understand about your way of being, and that of others.

Have you heard some people say that the mole on the forehead is a third eye? Well, that could be more than a superstition, if you recognize the wisdom contained in ancient traditions such as melanomancy; Melanomancy is the reading of moles and was practiced in ancient China and is estimated to date back to 1,700 to 1,100 BC.

This discipline is responsible for interpreting what What do moles mean on the body? of human beings, according to where they are located; This can be done both on the body and on the face and in this note we are going to focus on this last area of ​​the body, since it is what you can see with the naked eye in others.

What is the meaning of moles on the face according to Koreans?

Although the origin of this discipline is very old, as we read above, today it is practiced more frequently and in a very popular way in Korea, so today that town is a reference in this practice worldwide.

What does mole on the forehead mean?

Since you were little you are a very creative person, but rebellious. You know this, because even today you like to do things your way, and not only because you feel good about it, but because everything works out better when you do it independently.

What do moles on the cheek mean?

They are generally people born into high society or who easily climb socially. Their problem is that when they talk about themselves, the perception of others is that they are showing off their achievements, and that is why they label them as conceited. Otherwise, they are excellent conversationalists.

What do moles on the lips or on them mean?

You can have two big addictions: Intimate relationships and food, so be very careful, not only with what you put on your plate, but also in your bed. Eye, you could fall into both.

What do moles on the chin mean?

You are a very observant person, and that’s why you enjoy traveling, meeting new people, and you can’t stand staying in one place for too long. Monotony takes you running, and that can be painful for those around you.

What it means to have a mole between the eyebrows

You are a person with an exceptional character, however, you have so much confidence in yourself that you could pass for ostentatious in the eyes of others; The foregoing, together with the bad temper that these moles reveal, make you a volatile being, because you explode and save yourself.

What does the mole on the eyebrow mean?

A mole on the right eyebrow and/or a mole on the left eyebrow mean this

You are an extremely intelligent person with a great talent for art; That is why if you set out on the right path from the beginning for the right vocation, you can become very successful, and even fame and fortune.

mole on the eyelid meaning

Although you are a person who loves your family unconditionally, you have the defect of not being able to remain silent in the face of any injustice that you observe from the elders towards you; when you were a teenager that was annoying, but in adulthood it can bring you serious conflicts with grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts and others.

What is the meaning of a mole on the nose?

If you have it anywhere on your nose, it shows that your financial problems are caused by your wasteful nature.

mole on the tip of the nose meaning

Although it can connote something related to sexual energy, it is usually a sign of good luck.

Meaning of the mole next to the nose

It is generally associated with personalities who have frequent problems in their professional and work practice, which generally result in illness.

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