How brainwashing works

illustrates Cezar Berje

edition Felipe van Deursen

Imagine losing control of your thoughts and becoming a kind of robot that acts in the way desired by a politician, a religious person or a company. But forget the image of someone altering your brain with shocks, surgery, or pills. There is no magic formula in brainwashing. “This is an application of common psychological techniques, but at a very extreme and coercive level,” says Kathleen Taylor, a researcher at the University of Oxford, UK, and author of Brainwashing – The Science of Thought Control (“Brainwashing, the science of thought control”, no edition in Brazil). The concept of brainwashing goes back to a Mandarin term, “hsi-no“, used in meditation to define cleanliness of the mind or heart. It emerged in the 1950s, when the American journalist Edward Hunter was looking for an explanation for the sudden change in the behavior of soldiers in his country. They had been held hostage by the Chinese and North Koreans in the Korean War and, upon their return to the US, became staunch communists.


– Six famous cases of brainwashing

– How forced brainwashing works

– How group brainwashing works

– How soft brainwashing works

How is the brain conditioned?

Exact data are lacking, but advances in neurobiology are starting to give clues

aim at target

The prefrontal cortex is the area of ​​the brain responsible for the rational side. Thus, manipulation must take care of making this region work as little as possible, leaving most of the choices to the areas responsible for the subconscious.

in your square

The brain is good at dividing different behaviors into different areas (work, family…). The weaker an area, the more vulnerable to washing. This explains why a Nazi could obey kill orders and then go home to his family.

we are rats

Whenever you listen to certain music do you remember a landscape? That’s how the reconstruction of individual identity it works. The torturer is bad when he wants confessions and good when he wants to indoctrinate

Key words

Abstract concepts, with different interpretations, such as “justice”, go to the brain with a strong load of emotion, becoming well fixed. That’s why manipulators like to use them. Rational, information-based arguments have little impact on people.

On the edge

Normally, the brain filters information that reaches the cortex. But that grip loosens during a time of stress. This is why the person who wants to dominate mentally tries to exhaust his victim as much as possible, causing fear and exhaustion.

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For more information…

It is not possible to know more precisely how these techniques act in the body, as ethical issues prohibit this type of research. In addition, the available technology would not allow such detailed monitoring.

Don’t be a victim

Complete protection, only isolating yourself 100% from the world. But certain precautions already help

take care of health

Healthy people have a greater sense of control over themselves. Those who live on a rollercoaster of a lot of stress, little sleep, alcohol and drugs let their guard down. And is more exposed to influences

cultivate the experience

Older people tend to accumulate more life lessons and better understand certain traps of manipulators. They also have less need to be part of the “herd effect” and, attached to facts they already knew before, they are more difficult to convince.

stimulate creativity

People with great imaginative capacity have more brain connections. Thus, they better analyze everything that happens around them.

get attached

It’s a great way to not get carried away by the «wave» that will be imposed in an attempt to reprogram. When you feel yourself being carried away by a series of arguments, you will remember what really matters. Family, friends, values, etc. are shields at these times

Stop and think

Develop that ability. Only then will you be able to differentiate ideas that you really believe in from those that are just mass of maneuver.

Have a diverse education

Each new piece of knowledge strengthens the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s great decision maker. And the more diverse and plural your culture, the less likely you are to fall victim to the manipulation that leads to ignorant fanaticism.

Take care in difficult times

People who have had their lives shaken by major (and usually tragic) events, such as the death of a relative, job loss or separation, are more susceptible, as they are looking for an outlet

help those in need

Do you know anyone who might be going through this situation? “First, remove her from the environment or the coercive agent. Listen to what she has to say and respect her and, if necessary, seek professional help”, explains Kathleen Taylor

CONSULTANCY Kathleen Taylor, psychologist and neuroscience expert at the University of Oxford (UK) SOURCES Books brainwashingby Kathleen Taylor Dark Psychology 101by Michael Pace, Banned Mind Control Techniques Unleashedby Daniel Smith, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalismby Robert Lifton, and The Search of Manchurian Candidatesby John D. Marks

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