8 Cruel Experiments by Nazi Josef Mengele at Auschwitz

When The alms It is many…

Obsessed with the secrets of human genetics, Josef Mengele (1911-1979) had favorite subjects: twins. When arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, such brothers were soon separated from the prisoners. They received “perks”: health exams, more complete meals, toys, isolated accommodation. But soon The torture began…

macabre collection

Mengele wanted to determine which human traits were genetic It is whether they could be modified. For example: he would inject ink into the twins’ eyes to try to change The iris pigmentation. Many suffered an immediate infection. Some were blind. When the “guinea pigs” were no longer useful to him, Mengele killed them, plucked out the eyes It is displayed them on the living room wall.

Blood of my Blood

The mad scientist asked the twins to call him «uncle». He even hugged the kids. But at the same time, he put them in cages It is I did all kinds of studies. extracted blood samples daily. Sometimes she injected one brother’s blood into the other. It is wrote down the reactions. They ranged from severe headache The very high fevers, which lasted for days, until The death.

timed evil

Another experiment was to cause simultaneous deaths in twins. For this, he injected chloroform into their hearts – the blood clotted. It is heartbeats stopped. There, Mengele performed autopsies to see if there was anything different in the organs of each guinea pig. Other times, took organs from children still alive, without anesthesia, to see if they survived.

other victims

Although twins were his favorite subjects of study, Mengele also used other subjects, such as dwarfs. It is pregnant. To check how long a baby took to starve to death, he forced The mother The cover the breasts with duct tape. With pity, some nurses smuggled medicines from the hospital so that The mother abbreviate The child’s life, savingThe of suffering.

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artificial siamese

One morning, soldiers broke into the shed where the twins were staying. It is took two brothers, Tito It is Nino. One of them had a spinal defect that left him with a hunchback. Three days later, they returned in a sorry state. Mengele sewed them on his wrists It is on the back, uniting tissue organs – it was his attempt to produce Siamese twins. Several of the children’s limbs became gangrenous.

A reproduction of the pure

Mengele also intended to increase the number of twins in the population. if they represented The race considered superior by the Nazis, could more quickly populate the world with “pure” beings. Thus, in the concentration camp, he forced twin sisters The having relations with twin brothersIt is even twin couples The have sex with each other.

Against each other

Sometimes he would run tests on just one twin to see how his reactions differed from the other. For example: injected agents that cause typhus It is tuberculosis It is compared The degeneration of the sick relative to the healthy. He also changed the sex of a child, just to see if he would behave differently from his brother.

CONSULTANCY John Horgan, professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology, in New Jersey (USA), It is columnist for Scientific American

SOURCES Magazines Team, Science, American Journal of Psychiatry It is New Scientistbooks Listomaniaseveral authors, It is Dr. Josef Mengele, The Angel of Deathby Holly Cefrey It is websites LiveScience It is Auschwitz.dk

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | part 5

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