According to eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, they are energy centers that govern our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual stability. The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”, as it is believed that they are vortices that do not stop turning, acting as antennas, receiving and emitting vital energy signals in specific points of our body. When a chakra is out of balance, it affects the organs around it. The oldest record of the chakras comes from the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of Hinduism, which appeared in the 2nd century BC However, this belief became popular in such a way that it surpassed the barriers of Hindu culture, reaching many others, including Westerners. According to the Hindus, the chakras meet and merge in the Nadis, which are invisible paths within our organism, functioning as conductive channels through which our vital energy circulates. Each chakra influences one or more specific areas of our personality and health. Some Vedas passages say that there are 32 chakras, and others up to 88,000, but most agree on the existence of the main seven, which run through our entire spine.
1. Muladhara Chakra
Color – Red
Element – Earth
Meditation – Seek to understand the basis of our survival, the materiality of life and pleasure. The mantra is LAM
Functions – It is the chakra that seeks the ascending energy of the earth and takes it to our body. He is responsible for our vitality and our zeal for survival – especially in basic needs, such as eating and sleeping. When misaligned, it causes us, among other things, a feeling of constant insecurity
2. Swadhisthana Chakra
Color – Orange
Element – Water
Meditation – Try to balance your own power of attraction, seduction and creativity while repeating the VAM mantra
Function – Mainly responsible for two of our strongest impulses: the creative and the sexual. It is believed that, in our adolescence, this chakra is operating at its greatest capacity. When misaligned, it can cause sexual impotence issues, in addition to bladder diseases.
3. Manipura Chakra
Color – Yellow
Element – Fire
Meditation – Reflect on your life choices and try to respect your own individuality and worldview. The mantra is RAM
Function – That’s where your ego lives. When highly energized, it can make you self-centered and narcissistic. When the opposite happens, his self-esteem will not be in a good state. It also plays a vital role in your personality and personal power. Therefore, you can recognize a good alignment of this chakra in good leaders.
4. Anahata Chakra
Color – pink or green
Element – Ether (fusion of other elements)
Meditation – While meditating, let love flow and feel it as intensely as possible. Seek to feel compassion for all living beings. Repeat the YAM mantra
Functions – Energizes the blood and our entire cardiorespiratory system – so heart disease can be an indication of misaligned or weakened chakra. It is the center of love and wisdom in emotional relationships. When done well, not only will it help you in relationships, it will also make you more likely to feel compassion.
5. Vishuddha Chakra
Color – Sky blue and light blue
Element – Ether
Meditation – Understand how to communicate internally and externally while repeating the HAM mantra
Functions – It is in front of the throat and is connected to the thyroid. It is essential for your communication skills. When he is balanced, you become a well gestured and expressive person. Those who do not work this chakra run the risk of becoming those who swallow “frogs” without complaining and end up keeping everything to themselves.
6. Ajna Chakra
Color – Indigo blue and white
Element – Ether
Meditation – Seek to develop intuition and the ability to look at others without judgment. The mantra is the famous AUM
Functions – Physically, it revitalizes the nervous system and vision. With regard to the psychological, this chakra works, among other things, the ability to concentrate and, above all, intuition. In Hindu tradition, it is known as «the third eye», as it can see things beyond the material. When misaligned, it can cause headaches and nightmares.
7. Sahasrara Chakra
Color – Violet and white-fluorescent or golden
Element – Ether
Meditation – Trying to transcend matter, connect with the divine and find maximum enlightenment. SHAM mantra
Functions – It is the most important of the chakras, as it connects us with the superior energy, the Universe. Consequently, it becomes the most complicated of the main seven. How to find the necessary understanding to feel connected to all the energy in the world? For this, it is necessary that all the other six chakras are in maximum balance. It is believed that very few people managed to align the Sahasrara
What is mantra?
It is a syllable or poem, usually in Sanskrit, which, when repeated correctly and continuously, helps you to relax and meditate. For each meditation goal there is a more suitable mantra. In Hindu belief, by using meditation and discipline, you will be able to properly balance all seven major chakras and thus begin to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
CONSULTANCY Simone Kobayashi, specialist in holistic therapy
SOURCES Books The Occult Anatomy: Chakrasby Alberto de Moraes, The 7 Chakras: The Meanings of the Chakrasby Alina Rosas The 7th Chakraby Alex Toro Chakras – Energy and Transformation Centersby Harish Johari and Vedas
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