The 20 most bizarre professions in the world

(Rômolo/Strange World)

BRL 9 thousand to BRL 12 thousand
How to get there Study veterinary medicine, specialize in assisted reproduction and take a course on working with elephants.

Elephants raised in zoos, like the Asian ones, in danger of extinction, need a helping hand when it comes to reproducing. In real, they need a whole arm. It’s just that the trunk giants have an inefficient reproductive system, representing one of the biggest challenges for those who work with reproduction in captivity.

To collect sperm destined for artificial insemination, veterinarians and assistants have to keep the animal still for preliminary cleaning. First, to the feces are taken as far as the arm can reach. After manual work, a hose, inserted into the anus of animal, pumps water and soap.

Stimulating the penis (which is 1.5 m long and 16 cm in diameter) is dangerous, as there are sensitive areas that make the member “spasm” in all directions, with the risk of knocking out the veterinarian. The solution is to (vigorously) stimulate the prostate via the rectum. To reach it, the arm needs to go all the way into the animal.

The process requires a team of four to six people, including veterinarians and assistants, and up to 30 minutes of stimulation. The veterinarian who collects the sperm uses a wide condom attached to a wire cable. Since semen cannot be frozen, it must be introduced into a female immediately. Despite of effort, the team only collects 42 ml of sperm (four times morethan the volume of human ejaculate).

BRL 6 thousand
How to get there After completing two years of a technical course in poultry and training, from ten months to a year, on a chicken farm or incubator.

Sexers receive thousands of chicks and check feather shape, color and anatomy to determine whether they are male or female. In some cases, the professional only differentiates the gender by the shape of the cloaca, which is located on the rear of the birds.

BRL 180
How to get there Living in a big city in India and looking for a job with city-approved security companies.

In Indian metropolises, the problem of pedestrians spitting on the roads is so critical that the city hall has hired security companies to curb the filth. The approach includes paying 200 rupees (about R$7) or cleaning up the spit. As Salary – average over there is 170 rupees per day, most prefer to clean.

Wage BRL 8 thousand to BRL 16 thousand
How to get there Living in the US, studying basic diving and trying out for a spot on a golf course.

Divers go into golf course lakes to collect the thousands of marbles that players isolate. The water is so dirty that the guys are feeling around in the mud to find them. On average, a professional collects 3 thousand units per day and resells each one for R$ 0.10

(Rômolo/Strange World)

How to get there Complete a sumo course in Japan and look for a wrestler training center.

Guys live in «stables» with fighters and other apprentices and must spend years training and serving the pros before they qualify for to the official fights. The routine is strict, with a schedule for everything, including waking up and sleeping. To complete, they still have to clean the accommodation and serve as a messenger.

Freshmen are essentially assistants to seniors, which even involves helping with personal hygiene. Which, in turn, involves helping fighters more bulky to clean parts they can’t reach, like to thecoasts and other unpublishable places.

Aspirants wake up to the 5 am and start training to the 6 am, before the professional fighters, who are just starting to struggle to the 8 am. During veterans’ practices, rookies sweep the wrestling ring and clean the sand that sticks to the fighters’ backs.

Apprentices don’t eat breakfast, that is, they train on an empty stomach. Just in time of hungry, exercise discipline and a sense of hierarchy by serving food to the professionals. Besides, they can only eat after the more old people finish their meal.

BRL 260 to BRL 390
How to get there Go to Changsha, inland China, and look for the company Wow7gold

In some online roleplaying games, there are people playing to do business, accumulating gold, armor and other items to resell in the market. world real. In China, there are cool companies where young people work ten hours a day just to level up customer characters and get rare parts.

BRL 5 thousand
How to get there Applying for companies that manage subway lines in Japan

At peak times, the Tokyo Metro operates with up to twice as much of maximum number of passengers. to can all worldemployees need to push to the people into the carriages. in the remainder of day, the pushers (oshiya) perform security functions.

BRL 3 thousand to BRL 8 thousand
How to get there Training in chemistry helps, but the work can be done by volunteers called by companies.

Distinguish to the subtleties of aromas between a breath, an armpit and flatulence is the main skill of this professional. The field of work is wide: it ranges from hygiene and cosmetics companies to academic research, in which volunteers help to identify which component is more fetid from the farts.

BRL 300 to BRL 7 thousand
How to get there Seek out a porn film production company and show that you can take on any role on a movie set.

Fluffer is responsible for keeping porn actors and actresses excited between to theshots from a movie. The function is part of make-up department and does not necessarily involve sexual acts – to the sometimes a massage and a dirty whisper in the ear is enough of service.

(Rômolo/Strange World)

BRL 8.2 thousand to BRL 10.4 thousand
How to get there In the US, all you need is a high school diploma to be an electrical technician. To work with helicopters, to the companies fund a course for volunteer employees.

The work is radical and dangerous: getting out of a helicopter and balancing on a high voltage cable with voltages that reach 1,000 kV. Flying to maintain power lines is less stressful for the worker and more efficient of than climbing poles or going up with a crane.

To reach to the high voltage lines, which are 15 to 55 m above of solo, the pilot has to be a to the: The helicopter needs to drop the technician over the cable without colliding with him, which requires a lot of stability.

Clothing is conductive for electricity to pass through without hurting anyone. Upon landing, the technician connects the cables and the helicopter with a metal rod, preventing electricity from jumping from one to the other.

Sitting on a chair or directly on the wires, technicians change capacitors, fuses and resistors. At another time, they clean the cables with a cannon of distilled water attached to the helicopter. If the water is “contaminated” with some salt (which would make it conductive), the risk of creating an electrical discharge or explosion is enormous.

Commission from 2 to 10% on resale value of recovered goods
How to get there Open your own company and offer services to banks.

Continues after advertising

When someone owes a lot to the bank, the bank can confiscate assets – from real estate to objects. The problem is managing to take back jets, boats and big cars from rich debtors. For this there are “repo men”, specialists in recovering vehicles. But not everything is glamorous: guys break into garages and hangars and get into escapes and chases.

R$200 to R$1,000 per show
How to get there Take a course in the USA and start training in small-scale rodeos.

The clown distracts the bull and saves his skin of cowboy who just fell. The only protection is a metal barrel left in the arena for the clowns to use as an obstacle in the face of attacks. of animal. The profession, as we know it today, emerged in 1930, when bulls of the aggressive Brahma breed began to be used in Australia and the USA.

BRL 6.2 thousand
How to get there Attend high school and undergo specific training.

Repairing atomic power plants and containing radioactive leaks is tough! To the Vinyl suits and masks only protect against solid radioactive particles, but let gamma radiation through. Therefore, each decontaminator has a dosimeter, indicating how much radioactivity has reached it – if the counter reads 50 rads, the worker has to leave the area or he may die of intoxication.

$400 (estimated)
How to get there Go to Thailand and get a job (and training) at a crocodile park.

To the Thai crocodile farms attract visitors of world all with shows of tamers sticking arms and heads in the mouths of the beasts. Since crocodiles don’t have sweat glands, they keep their mouths open to get rid of sweat. of body heat when the sun is hot. It is by taking advantage of this that the crazies risk their necks.

BRL 6 per hour
How to get there Go to Shanghai or Hong Kong and apply for a job at a “paotui” company, the Chinese name for the practice.

A phenomenon of the overpopulated Chinese metropolises is the offer of “dispatcher” services that are paid to stay in queues at stores, hospitals, concerts, etc. The work is simple: just save the place and call the customer when you are about to be served. There are guards who have stayed in line for 26 hours of launch of an electronic product.

(Rômolo/Strange World)

BRL 500 to BRL 3.2 thousand
How to get there Get in touch with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that specialize in this service.

When the military fails to remove landmines from a country after a conflict, NGOs such as MAG ( train residents to disarm them. It’s tense work, but essential for countries like Lebanon and Sudan, where people deal with the plethora of ancient landmines in their backyards.

After dividing the land into squares of 1 m2, the disarmer uses a metal detector and visual inspection in each quadrant. If it’s clean, they kneel in that quadrant to inspect the next one.

When detecting a mine, you need to use a red marker and two stakes to make an “x”. The detector calls the supervisor to disarm or isolate the area to detonate it from afar.

On average, a debugger maps 4 m2 per day. It is possible to detect mines using mice, trained bees (seriously!) and terrestrial sonar, but human skill is still limited. more efficient.

BRL 5.5 thousand
How to get there Go to a mountainous country, like Canada and the US, and look for jobs in logging companies.

Isolated locations, need to work even in adverse weather conditions and the slope of soil are factors that…