What is the Rosicrucian Order?


It is a mystical and philosophical group spread across the planet that aims to teach members about the mysteries of the world and about themselves. Just as the Catholic Church has parishes with different names and styles, there are several Rosicrucian orders and fraternities, which may differ from one another in the form and essence of teaching. But they all have the same purpose: to continue the work of Christian Rosenkreuz, a German monk who would have lived in the 14th century and founded the first Order in Europe to spread what he learned from Muslim masters of the occult arts. The Ancient and Mystical Rosicrucian Order (Amorc), one of the largest in the world, claims that practices offer benefits from the physical level, with specific techniques to reduce stress and enhance healing processes, to the mental and spiritual levels, with techniques that awaken the objective consciousness, the subconscious and the relationship of each being with the “All”.

1. Rosicrucianism would have its origins in the Egyptian mystery schools, 3,600 years ago. In the 14th century, after studying with masters of the occult arts in Damascus, Egypt and Morocco, the German monk Christian Rosenkreuz would have founded the “Casa Sancti Spiritus” to pass on what he learned. All away from the eyes of the Catholic Church, which, at that time, burned anyone interested in other philosophies. That is to say: some scholars question the existence of Rosenkreuz. For many he is just a fable

two. After Rosenkreuz’s death, the movement would have lost strength and disappeared. In the 17th century, his tomb was found by Lutheran pastor Johann Andreae. Keenly interested in the story, he published three manifestos telling how Rosenkreuz had acquired his secret wisdom – which would only be revealed to initiates.

3. The three manifestos written by Andreae are called Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis and The Chemical Nuptials of Christianus Rosencreutz. In addition to recounting Christian’s adventures in the East, the documents presented the idea of ​​the Rosicrucian to the world, whose practices intended to free human brothers «from error and death». The texts gained a lot of popularity in Europe

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4. Nowadays, several organizations claim to be heirs to the initial confraternity and have their own method of passing on Rosenkreuz’s teachings. Amorc (Ancient and Mystical Rosicrucian Order), for example, was founded in the USA in 1915 and is probably the largest of the Orders, with Affiliated Bodies (as the institution’s headquarters are called) all over the world.

5. Nowadays, the highest office belongs to the Frenchman Christian Bernard. Under the title of Imperator, he directs the organization from world headquarters in the USA. In Brazil, the command is in charge of the Portuguese Language Grand Lodge (GLP). Led by Grand Master Hélio Marques and headquartered in Curitiba, it also serves Portugal, Angola and Mozambique

6. There are more than 300,000 registered in the approximately 300 Brazilian Organizations of Rosicrucianism. Anyone aged 16 and over can try to join. Applications are made online and a quarterly fee is charged. Anyone between 6 and 15 years old can attend the youth organization called Ordem Guias do Graal (OGG)

7. Amorc periodically sends handouts called Official Monographs with the subjects proposed for further study. The frater or soror (as men and women of the order are called) must study in a place in the house specially prepared for this, called Sanctum (but it has no religious connotation). Anyone who wants to can complement the learning at the meetings of an Affiliated Organization

8. Mystical ceremonies and collective meditations also take place in the Affiliated Organisms. According to the institution, ancient Egyptians learned that the dramatic enactment of various principles facilitates teaching and makes lessons easier to retain. Therefore, the rituals practiced in the temple would be like «plays», which would only have a pedagogical and psychological function, without a religious character.

9. Amorc’s study is divided into 12 degrees. The countdown only begins after a year of researching and participating in the Order. On average, it takes about nine years to complete studies and reach the «Section of Illuminates», the highest grade, which has exclusive meetings

SOURCES site Ancient and Mystical Rosicrucian Order and book Secret Societiesby Sylvia Browne

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