What does a voodoo doll look like?

Illustrates Horacio Gama
Edition Felipe van Deursen

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– Ritual of Necromancy
– Jewish golem
– Offering to the orixás
– Wiccan ceremony
– Islamic exorcism
– Hindu black magic

Religion – voodoo
Emergence – 17th century, Haiti
Where is it most practiced? – Caribbean and US
Practitioners – 10 million

voodoo doll
Many ancient civilizations, such as the Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian, had statues and dolls for ceremonial use. O The voodoo case is a little different: O object does not represent a god or a being. It serves as an amulet to attract luck, money, employment, health or love. there are many ways in to do O doll, but the original, the favorite of the religion that emerged in Haiti (and it’s a kind of in cousin of our candomblé), follows six basic steps.

(Horace Gamma)

For O filling, O faithful can opt for a heap in feathers, pads in cotton pieces in fabric or even crumpled paper. For clothes, he chooses between paper, leaves in tree, pieces in fabric, straw, bag in potato and peels in corn. Finally, the definition of color is important: it helps to define O purpose of the amulet

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Due to the influence of Christianity, O puppet is built on a cross. Two sticks or pieces in pencils, crossed and glued, form the basic structure. For O amulet works, it is important that the person is concentrated. For that, O ideal is to find a quiet place, without TV, computer or cell phone nearby

O stuffing must cover O skeleton. Just apply glue over the structure and stick O material. if O goal is to attract someone into a relationship, O faithful often use pieces of the person’s clothing in the stuffing. O more common is to ask for something for yourself, not to harm others. Sort of like making a promise to a saint

The simplest way in wear O puppet is to form a kind in bag in soft fabric, tied at the ends. For religious reasons, a rustic fabric is more suitable, as it is more faithful to the origins. In this case, it needs to be cut and glued to form a smock. O clothing size need to leave out head, hands and feet

Accessories are essential for the magic to work, such as pasting a photo of the loved one on the doll’s face. if O request is personal, the image can be more figurative. For example, those who want money put a coin on their face. It’s worth using paint, glitter, buttons… And each color has a different meaning

(Horace Gamma)

O ritual in preparation ends with singing. Only then comes the time for the pins, which are stuck in to reinforce O order. When the figure is ready, it’s time in guard-there on a shelf, in a high, inconspicuous place. Next to her, O faithful can place candles of the same color. And have to perform prayers every day

ONE LAST CURIOSITY: The most famous version of the doll was devised by US retailers, for those who prefer to buy it ready-made

+ The scariest dolls of all time
+ Papa Doc, the dictator who struck terror in Haiti

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