What was the first movie?

History considers that they were the tapes shown by the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière at the first public session of the cinematograph, in 1895, in Paris. For about 20 minutes, the public marveled at the device, watching images of Employees Leaving the Lumière Factory it’s from Arrival of a Train at the Station de la Ciotat. But, if we’re talking about feature films, the honor belongs to Australia. The Story of the Kelly Gang, from 1906, tells, in 70 minutes, the story of Ned Kelly, an outlaw who defied prejudiced colonial Australia, transforming himself into a national hero. The character was the subject of another more recent production, from 2003, with Heath Ledger.


The first films in some popular genres


FILM Nanook the Eskimo

WHEN 1922

Although many of the first shorts that circulated in movie theaters were everyday scenes, it was only in 1922 that the American Robert J. Flaherty produced a film along the lines of what we now call a documentary. Filming in the Arctic lasted a year.

Science fiction

FILM Trip to the moon

WHEN 1902

The French illusionist and filmmaker Georges Méliès, considered the creator of the main narrative techniques of the seventh art, directed this adventure about scientists sent into space. was inspired by From Earth to the Moonby Jules Verne, and The First Men on the Moonby HG Wells


FILM The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

WHEN 1920

It is a landmark of German expressionism, directed by Robert Weine. The film tells the misadventures of a mysterious duo: the hypnotist Dr. Caligari and the somnambulist Cesare, who divines the future. After a man’s death is predicted, the two become prime suspects in the crime.


FILM the apostle

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WHEN 1917

For a long time, it was believed that the first animated feature had been Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) by Walt Disney. However, in the 1980s, this work by Argentine Quirino Cristiane, from 1917, was discovered. The 70-minute film mocked the then president of Argentina, Hipólito Yrigoyen


FILM The Great Train Robbery

WHEN 1903

The public’s fascination with stories with crimes, chases and shootings began at an early age. Director Edwin S. Porter not only launched this style of film (inspired by cases like Butch Cassidy) but also created techniques such as parallel editing, which made cinema look less like filmed theater


FILM The Jazz Singer

WHEN 1927

There were several experiments trying to synchronize sound and image in a film, but this only really happened with this film by Alan Crosland, which became the first sound film of all time. The story follows a Jewish man who runs away from home to pursue his passion, jazz.


FILM vanity and beauty

WHEN 1935

Since the origin of cinema, there have been attempts to simulate colors on film. Some filmmakers painted each frame by hand. Others used the “turning” technique to put one tone (and only one) in certain sequences. Only with the emergence of the Technicolor process could reality be registered with all its nuances. The first film to benefit from this was the romantic drama vanity and beauty


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Who gave the first kiss on the lips in a movie?

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How did the first cinematograph work?

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