27 absurd questions – and our answers to them

(Pablo Mayer)

1) How is there a 30-hour bank if the day has 24 hours?

The expression was a marketing ploy by Unibanco, which, in 1991, added the six hours of operation of branches (from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm) with the 24 hours in which the bank is available through ATMs and telephones. Today, Itaú (which incorporated Unibanco) keeps “30 hours” and access is also available via the internet.

2) Why is the first activity in Alcoholics Anonymous to introduce yourself to others?

AA members only maintain anonymity in front of society. The reason is obvious: ensuring that alcohol problems and membership in the group are not publicly disclosed. Internally, there is a lot of complicity, since knowing one’s own problem and identifying similarities with colleagues is part of the treatment.

3) If the planet is round, what are the four corners of the Earth?

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4) Why do we have to get serious about document photos?

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(Pablo Mayer)

5) Why did kamikazes wear helmets?

There are two theories. The first is that, if a mission fails (the objective is not reached), the use of a helmet would give more chances of survival for the next suicide mission. Another hypothesis is that the helmet is part of the uniform and its use demonstrates respect for the Japanese military code of conduct.

6) Why does Exaltasamba play pagode and Zeca Pagodinho plays samba?

Zeca Pagodinho has always played samba, even before his nickname, which originated from his participation in the Ala do Pagodinho in the Boêmios do Irajá carnival block. Pagode, at the time, was any occasion when the amba was played. The romantic samba of the 90s, the genre practiced by Exaltasamba, was named pagode for commercial reasons – it was a way of distancing it from the more rhythmic samba, associated, in the consumer’s mind, with Carnival.

7) Why aren’t planes made of the same material as black boxes?

Because the weight would make the flight unfeasible. A Boeing 737-700 built from glass and carbon fiber weighs up to 70 tons, but if it were made with the resins and steel and titanium alloys that coat the electronic part of the black box, it would weigh six times as much. That would require giant engines and an impractical amount of fuel. Click here to know in detail how a black box works and in this other link to know because it is orange, and not black, as the name says.

8) If the name of the color is orange, why isn’t lemon called green?

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9) Why do 24-hour stores have locks?

Because even a store that works day and night may need to be closed at some point, be it for a holiday, for renovations, or even for cleaning. And there’s another: the doors, by manufacturing standard, already come with locks. No one manufactures lockless doors for 24-hour stores.

(Pablo Mayer)

10) Why does Donald Duck wrap himself in a bath towel if he doesn’t wear pants?

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11) And why doesn’t Daisy have a duck voice, like Donald?

First, surprise: Donald Duck’s first girlfriend was not Daisy. Before she appeared in 1940, Donald flirted with Donna Duck, who was also irritable and had a voice like a duck – both were voiced by Clarence Nash. Daisy emerged to counterbalance the duck’s anger, bringing moments of calm and serenity, and the soft voice was part of that.

12) Why do Mickey and other ancient characters wear gloves?

The mouse was also a humanized character. Therefore, he did not fit mouse paws and Disney opted to put gloves on him. The other reason was practical: gloves made drawing easier because you didn’t have to animate wrinkles and lines on your hands. This also explains the gloves of other ancient characters. The most curious thing is that, in one of his first animations, produced in 1928, Mickey was not wearing gloves or shoes. Check it out below:

13) Why is Mônica called “short” if she is the same height as Cebolinha and Cascão?

According to Mauricio de Sousa, what annoys Monica is precisely this: being called shorty being the same size as others! In addition, being “short” is one of the characteristics used to reinforce the character’s identity, as well as being toothy and chubby.

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14) Why is the scam called “Goodnight, Cinderella” if Sleeping Beauty is sleeping?

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15) If wine is liquid, how can it be dry?

Dry is the name given to less sweet wines – it has nothing to do with being less wet. Dry ones, unlike sweet ones, do not have residual fermentable sugar. “The dry name was determined by law and, therefore, does not have a logical explanation”, clarifies Arthur Azevedo, executive director of the Brazilian Association of Sommeliers (SP). Wine can be dry, semi-dry, sweet or very sweet, the greater the amount of residual sugar per liter of drink.

16) How can there be children working in programs prohibited for minors?

Brazilian law allows teenagers or children to carry out artistic activities with a court permit. This authorization allows the child artist to act in shows, movies, TV programs, commercials, etc., and must contain restrictions aimed at guaranteeing the health and safety of the precocious worker. It follows a worldwide trend: there is an ILO (International Labor Organization) convention that provides for ignoring the minimum age for work in cases of participation in artistic representations.

17) Why do people squeeze the remote harder when the battery is low?

Repetitive behaviors tend to reinforce themselves throughout life. When, for some reason, the action does not generate the expected result, one of the effects is to increase the magnitude and frequency of the behavior. In the case of changing the TV channel, if the battery is low, the instinctive tendency is to press the button more times and with more force instead of changing it.

18) Why is “all together” written separately and “separated” all together?

By conventions of the Portuguese language. In the case of “separate”, the curiosity is that the verb “separar” comes from the Latin “separé”, which, in turn, derives from the original expression “se pararé”. Another reason for writing “separated” together is to avoid confusion of meaning in expressions such as “if stopped by the police, avoid arguments”.

19) Why is the lethal injection needle sterilized?

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20) Who certifies the quality of those who issue ISO 9000 quality certificates?

The Inmeter. It accredits certification bodies to be able to issue quality certificates to other companies. Inmetro, in turn, is recognized by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), an association of accrediting bodies that regulate ISO certifications.

(Pablo Mayer)

21) How many claps make a round of applause?

Technically, two. That’s because, according to the dictionary, round of applause is the same as applause – the plural of applause. So, from two rounds of applause, we already have a salvo. However, a round of applause can also mean ovation, public acclaim. That is, in this case, if the palms are excited, they become a volley.

22) Why does the Riddler give clues to rival Batman?

The villain has a psychological disorder that makes him obsessive for the batman’s attention. For this, he challenges the hero’s intelligence with riddles that reveal, little by little, his criminal plans. The strategy worked and, currently in the comics, the Riddler approached his object of desire, acting as a detective in partnership with Batman.

23) What is the difference between walking fast and running slowly?

Less than 1 km/h. According to physical educator Carlos Wiering, when running, even if slowly, in at least one moment of the feet transition, the person will be floating, without any contact with the ground. When walking, even if fast, the person always has at least one foot on the ground.

24) How do bus drivers who make the last trip on the line get back home?

Those who don’t have a car or motorcycle come back by hitchhiking. “De-motorized” drivers and collectors depend on the help of colleagues to return home at times when there is no longer public transport in circulation. In general, a colleague is on duty waiting for those who are working the last shift to drive them home.

25) Why don’t the Hulk’s pants rip when he transforms?

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26) Why are avenue beds called that if they are not located in the corners?

It’s just that the flowerbeds never had anything to do with being in the corner or not. Furthermore, when the first flowerbeds appeared, they were not associated with pieces of land, but with stones. According to the Houaiss dictionary, one of the meanings of the word corner is stone. Therefore, the first heaps of stones in the works are called beds.

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