German boxer in breed portrait (with pictures and information)

The German boxer is one of them most popular dog breeds and always makes its owner laugh.

He impresses with his stocky physique and his balanced nature. We present the Boxer in more detail in our breed portrait.

Here we go among other things on that Temperament, possible diseases as well as on the Life expectancy of the loving four-legged friend.

German Boxer Wanted Poster

Size Male: 57 to 63 cm, female: 53 to 59 cmWeightMale: 27 to 32 kg, Female: 25 to 29 kgColorsYellow, brindle, light yellow to dark stag red, white markings are allowedLife expectancy10 to 12 yearsOriginGermanycharacter/temperamentathletic, powerful, playful, open, energetic, FCI groupGroup 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers – Molossoids – Swiss Mountain Dogs. Section 2.1: Molossoid, mastiff type dogs, with working trial.


The German boxer has a square body.

With a size of 53 centimeters to 63 centimeters, the German Boxer is one of the medium-sized dog breeds.

It reaches a weight of 25 kg to 32 kg.

Through his stocky and muscled body the German boxer knows how to impress.

This quadruped moves gracefully especially the muscular hind legs.

Among the special identification marks of the German Boxer include the angular skull and the short snout.

The distinctive overbite of the dog is particularly noticeable here.

The German boxer has a shiny, short and close-lying coat. According to the breed standard, the colors yellow and brindle variants are permitted.

The yellow coloring ranges from light yellow to dark deer red. It can be a maximum one third of the hair coat be marked with white markings.

Here the dark mask stands out noticeably from the rest of the skull.

History & Origin of the German Boxer

As the name suggests, the German Boxer its origin in Germany. The Brabant Bullenbeisser is the ancestor of this popular dog.

The Bullenbeisser were at that time very popular in Europe and were used as hunting dogs and for show fights.

In the year 1904 the standard for the German boxer was established.

The standard created by the Boxer Club aimed at an elegant and graceful family dog. This four-legged friend has also been recognized as a service dog since 1924.

When the cynologist Friedrun Stockmann tested her boxers in the 1930s presented at numerous exhibitions, the German boxer gained increasing importance.

However, his current temperament also causes individual problems for the German boxer.

So he was no longer a sought-after service dog, but became popular primarily as a family dog.

The German Boxer therefore no longer shows any similarities with the former Bullenbeisser.

Essence & Character of the German Boxer

The German boxer is very self-confident and has a balanced personality. He likes to make his owner laugh and is very playful.

He encounters people full of energy and openness.

Puppies in particular can sometimes be difficult to control. The German Boxer is also very affectionate towards children, making it the ideal family dog.

The German boxer is also very open to strangers.

However, he protects his family when necessary. This four-legged friend is very affectionate and absolutely shaped by his favorite people.

Basically, the German Boxer was once intended to serve as a working dog.

Due to his special temperament, the German boxer is only rarely used here.

It is therefore important that the owner can also respond to the temperament of the boxer during training. Thus, the boxer can be tamed a little.

attitude & upbringing

The German Boxer is a real power pack and therefore needs the right utilization.

Especially as a puppy, this four-legged friend should be appropriately socialized become.

This is how the boxer learns how to communicate properly with other conspecifics during the puppy lesson.

The German boxer is very sensitive and learns primarily through positive reinforcement. Instead of strictness, owners should therefore let motivation prevail.

This also strengthens the bond with the owner.

This four-legged friend is extremely playful and wants to be able to really work out. Therefore Long walks are an absolute must.

On too Jogging and cycling tours this dog proves to be an ideal companion.

The German boxer loves ball games and a loving fight. He likes to romp around with children as well as with his peers.

Thanks to his alert nature, the German boxer is also known as a guard dog best for.

The boxer should therefore ideally be in a House with garden being held. He is conditionally suitable as an apartment dog.

Here it is important that the dog gets enough exercise.

Accordingly, being left alone should also be practiced.

Health & Care

The Boxer, like most larger dogs, candevelop various joint diseases during his lifetime.

To the typical Diseases include spondylosis, osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia.

Also heart and tumor diseases are observed in the German boxer.

Accordingly, the owner should check before purchasing contact a knowledgeable breeder.

This checks at the breed both the parents and the other relatives of the four-legged friend.

The average life expectancy of the German boxer is twelve years. The short coat is very easy to care for and should be brushed regularly.


In addition, the animal should during the tick season regularly checked for ticks.

Is the German Boxer right for me?

The German Boxer is a friendly and outgoing companion and makes a great choice as a family dog.

He loves children and wants to be able to live out his playtime to the fullest. Future owners should not leave the four-legged friend alone for too long.

After all, the German boxer needs a lot of exercise and likes to be around his favorite person.

Since the Boxer is devoted to protecting his family, he is the perfect guard dog.

Because the German boxer loves sports activities, the owner should also like to be out and about with the animal a lot.

Whether dog sports, hiking or jogging – the German boxer is full of vigour.

This four-legged friend can subordinate himself without any problems and, thanks to his uncomplicated nature, is perfect for dog beginners.

However, the right amount of consistency and motivation is required in education.

Fun facts about the German boxer

The German boxer is also appreciated by many celebrities.

So are Jessica Biel, Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake owning this unique breed of dog.

The fans of the German boxer are therefore represented all over the world.

Which is certainly also due to the fact that German boxers like the play clown and make everyone laugh.

Although boxers are popular dogs in themselves, interest fluctuates for you. Sometimes they are in demand, then again they are considered out.

The German Boxer is currently ranking higher in the VDH’s puppy statistics 8th place. At the «American Kennel Club» he was only available in 2021 14th place!

Finally, the German boxer proves to be an ideal companion.

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