These 9 dog breeds are considered particularly cheeky (with pictures)

Cheeky dogs are usually very self-confident dogs.

They are also characterized by intelligence, willingness to work and strong instincts from their original job.

Cheeky dogs take commandif you in your upbringing not the right mediocrity of love, sensitivity and consistency find.

You will definitely find it in our list a surprise or two again, because often the little rascal is poorly or not at all brought up!

1. Dachshund

Her cheek stems from her stubbornnesswhich certainly all former hunting and digging dogs require. They were bred to to follow their tracks independently and, if necessary, to dig up the prey.

2. Beagles

He is a hunting dogwho is also very independently pursues its prey over long distances. if you here this If you neglect obedience training, you will also become a hunter, but after him!

3. Welsh Terriers

With his floppy ears and dark eyes are we kept trying him one to forgive improprietybut that would be wrong. His devotion is only surpassed by his stubbornness.

4. Bulldog

The Look out of their big bulging eyes leaves us again and again forget our rules. Your darling will learn that too and will trick you wherever and whenever he can. loving consequence is in demand here!

5. Chow Chow

All we really want is the whole day Cuddle with this fluffy creature. He does has a mind of its own. Anyone who does not consistently follow the rules that have been set up with a Chow Chow will quickly hand over the Alpha role to him.

6. Dalmatian

She charm us with her elegance and inspire with her high intelligence. You always know this too to use profitably and if you’re not careful, you’ll quickly follow him instead of the other way around!

7. Husky

Hardworking, powerful and fluffy they appear at first sight. The challenge with a husky is to really challenge him and him to set tasksthen otherwise he’ll quickly get to work himself.

8. Chihuahua

Her cute behavior brings us to Smile and These cheeky creatures know that very well. If you see him more as an accessory than a dog, then so do you education needs you will be left behind.

9. Jack Russel Terriers

The intelligent hounds love a challenge. If you don’t make an effort in mood and mentally as well as physically active to hold, then he quickly becomes independent and simply drags you along!

10. German shepherd

You belong with the most popular breeds and adapt excellently to us humans, provided that they dot we deal appropriately with their tendencies. The industrious creature with self-confidence will otherwise be the master of the house!