Maybe you already know that most well-known and not so well-known terrier breeds from Great Britain come.
So does that small norwich terrierswho is allowed to call the east of England his original home.
What about this cute fur nose it’s all about? We explain that to you in our following breed portrait now in detail.
Norwich Terrier Wanted Poster
Size Male & female: up to 25 cmWeightMale & Female: 5 to 7 kgColorsBlack/Brown, Red, Wheaten, Brown, GrizzleLife expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginGreat Britain/Englandcharacter/temperamentaffectionate, sensitive, people-related, intelligent, playful, clever, energetic, spiritedFCI groupGroup 3: Terriers, Section 2: Short Legged Terriers
The Norwich Terrier is a little powerhouse with a muscular, short and stocky bodythe of short legs will be carried.
A crucial feature distinguishes him from his brother, the Norfolk Terrier, viz the ears.
These are in the Norwich Terrier triangular, pointed and erectwhile the Norfolk Terrier has floppy ears.
The rod of the little terrier medium length and will mostly upwards carried.
Height Weight
As one of the smallest terrier breeds in the world the Norwich Terrier definitely can not with a imposing size or heavy weight show off
How to reach males and females one Shoulder height of just up to 25 centimeters and weigh it between a featherweight 5 and 7 kilograms.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The Norwich Terrier has straight, short and close-lying coat from hard, wiry structure. It is accompanied by a dense and soft undercoat.
When it comes to the colors of the coat, the FCI breed standard allows these colors and combinations:
- Black/Brown
- wheaten
- grizzly
- Brown
- Red
Eye Shape & Eye Color
The watchful little beady eyes of the Norwich Terrier mostly dark brown and can nearly black works.
History & Origin of the Norwich Terrier
The Norwich Terrier is one english dog breed from the Norfolk region of East Anglia. She is named after the Norwich city of the same name.
In the 19th century she was especially popular as a pied piper.
Above all Students kept this breedbecause they themselves no other breed of dog could afford.
In the country, the Norwich Terrier was also a effective rabbit hunterthus protecting the farmers’ fields.
The FCI recognized the breed in 1954 officially on.
Nature & Character of the Norwich Terrier
The Norwich Terrier isn’t just a cute little bugger, he has a suitable nature and temperament.
The happy mini Englishman is not only always in a good mood, he is also considered to be particularly friendly.
These qualities are accompanied by a playful, active and energetic beings.
The intelligent fur nose is beyond particularly clever and likes to show you one mischievous and cheeky side.
Is it about that, to be left alonethis actually prepares the temperamental norwich terrier sort of sleepless nights.
As clingy and human-related sensitive the little rascal hates it when his loved ones leave him alone.
Our tip
if you a clothing with your Odor leaves it with your dog, then he can do that calm and make him feel like you’re still close to him.
attitude & upbringing
What influence Temperament, nature and size of the Norwich Terriers probably on his attitude and upbringing have? Find out in the following lines.
The Norwich Terrier has one over many other terrier breeds decisive character advantage: He is clear less stubborn and stubborn.
Of course, this also affects his Upbringing from which accordingly a little simpler than other terriers.
Nevertheless allowed here Consistency, tact, clear announcements and loving leadership not missing.
This is the only way to successfully train the Norwich Terrier as well as building a close bond between you and your dog.
Let go of the Don’t be fooled by the Norwich Terrier’s dwarf sizewhen it comes to his attitude.
While he may be small enough to fit in a (City) apartment to feel at home.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need enough spaceto be able to let off steam properly.
It is therefore important that you a few hours every day take to go for a walk with the little brat.
Also the mental demand must not fall off the back, of course, because the clever Norwich Terrier otherwise quickly bored and unhappy.
Health & Care
Is the Norwich Terrier a sturdy dog or is there Breed-typical diseases and resulting problems?
You will now receive the important answers together with the Information on the proper care of this fur nose.
Life expectancy
The Norwich Terrier may have one Life expectancy from 12 to 14 years be happy.
Generally, the Norwich Terrier has one robust health. Predispositions still exist for some diseases:
- epilepsy
- Upper Airway Syndrome
This occurs especially in Norwich Terriers, the one greatly shortened snout have.
So should you Always keep an eye on the weight of the Norwich Terrier keep as the breed tends to be overweight.
Here help one age- and species-appropriate nutrition as well as that right amount of movement.
So that your Norwich Terrier always like a Duracell bunny jumping around, you should get up these things pay attention to yourself have a positive effect on life expectancy:
- Regular parasite prophylaxis, including worming
- Annual routine check-ups, including booster vaccinations
General Grooming & Grooming
Everyone knows that Inflammation also provokes disease like a hereditary disposition.
To prevent this, you should with the Norwich Terrier regularly check the ears, eyes, teeth (mouth), paws (claws) and bottom of the dog.
Despite its two layers of fur, the Norwich Terrier presents itself in his coat care as uncomplicated.
The reason: The loose hairs do not fall out and therefore do not spread in the house or apartment.
Regular brushing helps to remove these hairs from the fur. It also supports a good blood circulation in the skin and a healthy, strong coat.
Is the Norwich Terrier right for me?
Do you have all the important information you need about the Norwich Terrier? Then you have to answer this question in the affirmative: «Is the Norwich Terrier right for me?»
can you behind them tick the following statements put, stands nothing stands in the way of your life together. 😊
- you are looking for one Family dog with a cheeky, loving nature.
- you are looking for one playful, companionable and sensitive dog.
- You have enough timeto take proper care of your Norwich Terrier.
- You are looking for a dog who always wanna be with you and you does not leave the side.
Fun facts about the Norwich Terrier
We include our breed portrait of the Little Englishman from Norfolk our fascinating fun facts away.
Norwich Terrier puppies from responsible breeding costs between €1,500 and €1,800.
The Norwich Terrier is corruptible. In other words, he would almost really do anything for a few treats and then shows up particularly eager and willing to learn.
The Norwich Terrier is a absolute ace in canine sports agility, flyball, freestyle dancing and rallying.
The world’s first Norwich Terrier was called Rags.
Like the Norfolk Terrier, the Norwich Terrier was among the names Trumpington Terriers and Cantab Terriers known – references to his Popularity at the University of Cambridge.
Can you tell us more stories and tips about the Norwich Terrier? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊