Banminth Paste for Dogs is one of the wormers that dogs get when there is an acute worm infestation.
As with all pharmaceuticals, application and the correct dosage are always only carried out after consultation with the veterinarian – but never on one’s own initiative.
Our guide below will tell you what you also need to consider when using Banminth Paste for dogs.
Banminth paste for dogs: what is it and what is it used for?
Banminth Paste, also simply called Banminth, is a dog dewormer. She takes part in an infestation roundworms and tapeworms.
Incidentally, roundworms also include hookworms and roundworms, which means that Banminth Paste is also effective against these types of worms.
Banminth Paste contains an active ingredient that these two types of worms do not like and tolerate at all: pyrantel.
This active ingredient is contained in Banminth Paste at a concentration of 7.5 mg/g.
In addition to Banminth Paste, there are also Banminth Tablets available in strengths of 300mg or 1,200mg Pyrantel and Epsiprantel.
The tablets therefore have a second active ingredient that is effective against tapeworms and roundworms.
Proper use and dosage of Banminth Paste in dogs
The correct dosage of Banminth Paste for dogs is as follows: The fur nose receives 5 mg of pyrantel per kilogram of body weight.
If a dog weighs just a feather-light 1.5 kilograms, it is given 1 g of Banminth Paste according to the package insert.
To make it even easier for you to dose, a dog receives 2 centimeters of Banminth Paste per kilogram of body weight.
If you are unsure about this, consult your vet again. This tells you how to measure and administer the right dosage for your dog.
Your dog gets his dose of Banminth Paste straight into his mouth. Alternatively, you can also mix the Banminth Paste with the feed – which is not always easier.
Incidentally, Banminth Paste is also suitable as a wormer for breeding bitches and their puppies.
Repeated doses of Banminth Paste can be given to puppies in particular, the first of which takes place when the puppies are 10 to 14 days old.
How long does it take for Banminth Paste to work in dogs?
In general, the effect of Banminth Paste in the dog should be started within 1 to 2 dayswhich can be recognized by the excretion of the worms.
The speed of action can sometimes be faster with the tablets, since there is a different concentration of active ingredient.
Banminth Paste can be administered in the event of an acute worm infestation as well as in worm prevention.
The rule actually applies that wormers should only be used in the event of an acute infestation.
However, it is also true that hunting dog breeds and dogs that spend a lot of time in the forest should be dewormed regularly.
What side effects can Banminth Paste cause in dogs?
Currently suit us no information on possible side effects of Banminth Paste in dogs before.
Of course, some dogs may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
However, these can also be side effects of tapeworms and/or roundworms.
It is always important: If you notice side effects that should definitely not occur, contact your veterinarian immediately!
When should I not use Banminth Paste on dogs?
Too few side effects are said to exist with Banminth Paste for dogs, so there is little information regarding possible application no-gos.
Only hypersensitivity to the active ingredient pyrantel can rule out the administration of Banminth Paste for dogs.
Please also check with your veterinarian about dogs with merle coloring and pyrantel.
This coat color is associated with a genetic defect that can make some medications life-threatening.
In addition, you should clarify the compatibility of Banminth Paste with your dog if there are liver problems.
In many cases, these can have an effect on drug tolerability – but the specialist knows the exact details here.
Where can I buy Banminth Paste for Dogs?
Due to the active ingredient pyrantel, Banminth Paste for Dogs falls into the category of prescription and therefore prescription-only wormers.
You can then obtain Banminth Paste from an (online) pharmacy on presentation of a prescription from your veterinarian.
But before you go there, first check if your vet has Banminth Paste on hand.
What alternatives are there to Banminth Paste for dogs?
There are many alternatives to Banminth Paste for dogs – including education Milbemax for dogs, Panacur for dogs and Drontal for dogs just the tip of the wormer iceberg.
In addition, there are several spot-ons that usually offer comprehensive protection against and also terminate infestations caused by various worms.
You don’t feel like chemistry – and your dog has had bad experiences with Banminth Paste for dogs despite the side effects that shouldn’t actually occur?
Then talk to your vet about the natural options available to you.
Our guide to worms in dogs: 6 home remedies that are guaranteed to help can also give you more useful tips and inspiration for natural worm prevention.
Has your dog already been given Banminth Paste for Dogs and what has his/her experience been? We look forward to reading these experiences in our comments soon.