When it comes to the Description of dogs then we read often and intensively about theirs sensitivity to human behavior and our emotions.
We learn Extraordinary things about their sense of smellespecially when it comes to hunting dogs goes. And for urge to move and speed there are separate comparison lists.
It is often overlooked that dogs also have extremely fine hearing.
They perceive sounds differently, at least also louder. Many a noise from nature or our everyday human life can frighten, frighten, downright panic.
1. Thunderstorm with heavy thunder
While we can prepare for a thunderstorm, because we follow news and weather reports, loud thunder can be surprising for a dog come.
Straight apartment dogswho cannot perceive the change in the air so clearly, get scared the most.
If a thunderstorm is approaching, you should never leave your dog alone, possibly postpone the walk until afterwards and give him a cozy place to hide!
2. Loud music, be it opera or hard rock
There are Pieces of music that you like loud hear. Sometimes we humans also use music to try to change our mood.
Rarely do we think of our dogs! Loud music can scare your dog, especially when Drum roll, similar to thunderand other effects are processed in the piece.
Apart from that sounds that are too loud also have a negative effect on our hearing can, you should better enjoy the crescendo with headphones next time!
3. Slowly getting used to the hair dryer
Your Dog likes to follow you into the bathroom, to the toilet, almost jumps into the tub with youbut if you turn on the hair dryer, then he takes off?
Indeed this is loud whirring noise a nuisance similar to a tinnitus in your dog’s ears.
Close the bathroom door while you blow dryas a first quick measure. Newer devices are also becoming quieter and you can get your dog used to such quiet devices!
4. New Year’s Eve crackers
This problem will increase over the next few years probably don’t ask that often anymore anyway, because excessive banging forbidden shall be.
Until then, don’t leave your darling alone at the turn of the year and act similar to thunderstorms!
5. The vacuum cleaner as an enemy
Especially if you put your heart to it a particularly hairy breed gave away, the regular use of the vacuum cleaner belong to your everyday life.
dogs, like cats, like this Device and be noise however not at all. The same applies to the vacuum cleaner as to the hair dryer!