Japanese Akita (Akita Inu): Nature, Character & Colors

As is well known, dogs come in all sizes and in the form of countless breeds.

Of course, these are not always “designer dogs” – either so-called archetypes are still bred.

And such is the Akita, also known as Aktia Inuwhich we tell you in our detailed breed portrait now want to present in more detail.

Akita Inu Wanted Poster

Size Male: 64 to 71 cm, Female: 58 to 66 cmWeightMale: 45 to 59 kg, Female: 32 to 45 kgColorsSand, fawn, black, mahogany, whiteLife expectancy10 to 14 yearsOriginJapancharacter/temperamentbrave, easy-going, intelligent, loyal, open-minded, stubborn, independent, self-reliantFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and Primitive Type DogsSection 5: Asian Spitz and Related Breeds


As a large dog, the Akita Inu naturally falls first stately stature on. This makes him a bit out of the ordinary with regard to his FCI group.

Because tip, to which he is counted, are usually rather small.

The physique of this breed is very strong and muscularyet the Akita Inu has one elegant appearance.

Particularly characteristic is the headthe one very broad forehead with a forehead furrow has.

This is completed by triangular and erect ears. The body is completed by a rodthat always tightly rolled up is and that this breed carries on his back and the very bushy is.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The fur of the Akita Inu short and dense. In addition to the top coat, this dog also has one soft and dense undercoat.

This protects him perfectly from wind, cold and wet. The top coat feels against it hard and almost a little coarse at.

For the Akita Inu there is initially no fixed regulations for the coloursso almost all colors can be bred.

These include Black, red, sand, fawn and white.

There is here though a special featurewhich is specified in the breed standard: All Akita Inus – except the white ones – must have the so-called Urachiro exhibit.

This is whitish fur that must be present on the following parts of the body:

  • On the stomach
  • on the rod
  • On the cheeks
  • At the fangs
  • On the underside of the jaw
  • On the inside of the limbs

eye colors

The almond-shaped and medium-sized eyes are with the Akita Inu always brown. A special feature is that they surrounded by black eyelids are.

These give this fur nose an almost made-up impression – with the perfect eyeliner, so to speak.

Height Weight

The Akita Inu is one of the large dog breeds. Here can one male a shoulder height of up to 71 centimeters achieve, and at a weight of up to 59 kilograms.

A Akita Inu female is a little smaller and lighter. It can reach a shoulder height of up to 66 centimeters achieve that weight should 45 kilograms not exceed.

History & origin of the Akita Inu

The Akita Inu originally comes from the land of the rising sun, namely from Japan. Here this fur nose is the national breed.

Because the Akita Inu is of such great importance to Japan, it is to this day remained a very primitive breed.

There have also been crossings here in the past – including with the chow chow, Japanese sled dogs as well as the Kishu Inu – Breeding with the German shepherd dog, on the other hand, was rejected.

Because with the Akita Inu, an Asian gene pool should be preserved, so to speak. In addition, the crosses with the breeds mentioned above should ensure that today’s Akita Inu most similar to the original dog is.

Incidentally, the first Akita Inus date back to 5,000 years. This is evident, among other things, from representations on clay vessels.

In fact, researchers have now even found that the Akita Inu the closest relative of the wolf is.

In fact from a genetic point of view. this one status he shares it with the Shar Pei and the chow chow.

And because this breed is everything to the Japanese, the Akita Inu became declared a natural monument in 1931.

Already knew?

For almost all breeders today, the focus is on preserving the original breed. In order to create this, these work closely with researchers and scientists together. On the one hand, they should «Original characteristics» of this breed preserved remain.

On the other hand, an attempt is made to avoid genetic diseases and also one or the other less beautiful trait.

Since year 1964 is the Akita Inu from the FCIthe Federation Cynologique Internationaleas recognized as a separate breed and registered.

Nature & character of the Akita Inu

The Akita Inu is considered to be very calm and balanced dogthe don’t do too much with jubilation and hustle and bustle can.

But that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be suitable as a family dog ​​- because the Akita Inu loves his people more than anything.

He is also characterized by his independence and autonomy. Submissiveness is a foreign concept for the gentle giant.

He is indifferent to strangers.

Please note, if you have children: This dog loves «his» children. But it can be a little different with strange children, with whom this fur nose does not automatically get along well.

In fact, the Akita Inu very people-related and maintains a close bond with his reference person, leaving him alone is not a really good idea.

Because if that’s the case, his will come stubborn nature to the fore. And the dog likes to choose things to occupy itself with.

And you may have heard that this can include your shoes and your furniture, among other things.

However, it is assumed that this behavior is rather rare in this breed occurs.

In its own home, the Akita is calm and not particularly prone to barking.

In addition, this breed is considered very faithful and loyal as well as brave and intelligent. Besides, she is very activewhich affects the next point, attitude and upbringing.

attitude & upbringing

Appearance, temperament and character are just a few things that will interest you as a new Japanese dog housemate.

But have an effect his temperament and character maybe also up attitude and upbringing out of? You will find out now.


The Akita Inu is one of the larger dog breeds. And that means, of course, that he lots of space needs one small city apartment not the right home represents for him.

He feels most comfortable in the free naturewhere he can travel and discover extensively.

Ideally, you plan for your new roommate daily 3 walkie units a. These should between 1.5 and 2 hours To be long.


The Akita Inu is a very faithful and loyal dog. In order for him to be able to live out these character traits, he needs a consistent and patient upbringing even at puppy age.

This even includes that you as the new alpha animal can tolerate his stubbornnesswith him but at the same time show its limitations.

If he understands what he is allowed to do and what not, you will have a really loyal companion at your side for the next few years.

Health & Care

The health and carethat your Akita Inu needs are among the other important factors to factor into your decision.

Grooming & General Grooming

In terms of grooming, the Akita Inu is a very easy-care fellow.

As with some other breeds, the Akita Inu has a self-cleaning fur. It is sufficient here if you do this brush thoroughly once a week.

But things are a little different in times of coat change out of. This takes place twice a year and means: Daily and of course thorough brushing is then a must.


The Akita Inu is a race of origin. If you like, these breeds have an advantage over fashion breeds, for example:

you have one very robust health and therefore here almost no problems.

Nevertheless, you should of course make sure that your fur nose from a reputable breeder originates.

Because there is some hereditary diseaseswhich of course do not have to occur:

  • Hair and skin diseases, for example sebadenitis
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy/PRA
  • Hip dysplasia/HD
  • autoimmune disorders

So it can make sense if you have one for your Akita Inu Dog Health Insurance completes.

This only costs you a few euros per month, but covers the significantly higher veterinary costs.

Life expectancy

May the Akita Inu have among other things a species-appropriate attitude with sufficient employment as well as a diet tailored to him happy, he can Age from 10 to 14 years to reach.

Is the Akita Inu right for me?

As you now know, the Akita Inu is a special breed of dog that is “equipped” with a number of requirements.

These relate, among other things, to posture and daily exercise and occupation.

In addition, it is a very large and strong dog that may weigh significantly more than you do.

That means for you: This breed is only suitable for you if you both physically and mentally strong enough for this dog.

And beyond sufficient space, time and exercise can bid for this fur nose.

The Akita Inu can be suitable as a family dog. However, it is enough for him completely offif he living with singles or a couple.

The main thing is that his people love him and know how to deal with him.

Fun facts about the Akita Inu

After all the important information you need if you want to live with an Akita Inu, now there is some fun facts to this beautiful breed.

As you now know, the Akita Inu has been the Japanese natural monument since 1931. And that also meant that not a single Akita Inu was allowed to leave the country until 1945.

The Akita Inu Hachikō is a legend in Japan. He was one of the most loyal dogs in the world – alongside Greyfriar’s Bobby in Edinburgh.

Hachikō took his dad to Shibuya Station in Tokyo every day in the 1920s. And he picked him up from there every evening. And that for a whole 10 years.

And because this dog is a legend, here’s another fun fact about Hachikō: In 2009, a Hollywood film of the same name was dedicated to him, starring Richard Gere.

An entire museum is dedicated to the Akita Inu, the Akita Dog Museum in Odate.

Unfortunately not a fun fact, but fact: To this day, the Akita Inu is used for dog fights.

And that’s not only bad and outrageous – it’s also in direct contradiction to the status this dog actually enjoys in Japan.

Until the 17th century, only the Japanese nobility were allowed to breed and own this breed.

Insurance companies don’t like the Akita Inu. Why? He is too loyal to them and they are afraid that this loyalty will turn into aggressiveness. Although they insure him – but sometimes charge significantly…