Portrait of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (with pictures)

Today in portrait: The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog!

We’ll tell you what temperament, problems, diseases, personality traits, life expectancy and housing conditions this impressive dog brings with it.

In short: Today you will find out everything you need to know if you want to get a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog!

Ready? Let’s go!

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Wanted Poster

With the help of this profile you can get a quick one Overview of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog procure:

Size Male: 65 to 72 cm, female: 60 to 68 cmWeightMale: 60 to 70 kg, female: 50 to 60 kgColorstricolorLife expectancy10 to 12 yearsOriginSwitzerlandcharacter/temperamentConfident, spirited, fearless, friendly, alert, protectiveFCI groupGroup 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers – Molossoids – Swiss Mountain Dogs Section 3: Swiss Mountain Dogs, herding dogs without a working test


The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is basically the slightly larger one Short-haired variant of the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Its tricolor coat is the same coloring as other mountain dog species (black, brown and white).

The head is massive with a short stop and almond-shaped eyes.

Its ears are close to the head when at rest and will be pricked forward when something catches its attention.

The tail is long and often has a white tip.

The Physique of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog can be described as follows:

  • Muscular
  • Powerful
  • burly
  • Strong
  • yet athletic

Males of this breed are at a body weight from 60 to 70 kilograms up to 72 centimeters tall.

Bitches are with a maximum height at the withers of 68 centimeters and a weight of up to 60 kilograms is only slightly smaller and more delicate.

History & origin of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is descended from Roman Molossians.

He was kept in the Swiss Alps by cattle dealers, craftsmen and farmers to take on a wide variety of tasks there.

So the strong dog was liked as droversfor the pulling carts and Guarding the house and yard held.

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has been considered an independent breed since 1908 and is used today almost exclusively as domestic and family dog held.

In the next section, his dreamlike nature explains why he is so well suited for this!

Nature and character of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Concerning Essence & Character the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog shines in all areas.

He is considered devoted, loyal and gentle. The intelligent and docile dog can be wonderfully integrated into family life.

The faithful dog literally thrives when living with children.

Furthermore, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is considered to be:

  • devoted
  • loyal
  • gentle
  • intelligent
  • docile
  • adaptable
  • persevering
  • strong nerves
  • fearless
  • good-natured
  • robust
  • playful
  • patient

Despite all these positive qualities, however, he also brings a real one stubborn with!

His nature also matches his massive physique, for the big dog is quite energetic.

These qualities made him a reliable companion and drover who knew how to get his way.

The mass of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog should not be underestimated even when on a leash and requires people who know how to deal with their temperament!


The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is very patient with children.

Nevertheless, the children in the house should not be too small anymore, since the gentle giant is sometimes cocky and then literally stunning.

attitude & upbringing

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog requires one close family connection and a consistent but loving upbringing.

Teamwork and friendship are paramount for this companionable dog.

He loves the movement and is a true one fresh air fanatic.

You can roam through nature for hours with a Greater Swiss and don’t have to be afraid that he will donate because he likes to be close to his people.

A hunting instinct this dog breed usually does not have.

However, his is much more pronounced protective instinct. He conscientiously looks after the house and yard and reports reliably if anything unusual happens.

for one housing the big dog is out of the question!

Good socialization as a puppy is important so that this giant dog is also pleasant to handle as an adult.

Health & Care

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is one extremely easy-care dog breed.

Regularly check your eyes and ears for inflammation, take care of your claws and keep a close eye on your nutritional status – this frugal and robust dog doesn’t need much more.

The Big Swiss is also doing well in terms of health! Of course he can also get one or the other Illness catch, but is generally considered a very healthy breed.

Diseases that occasionally occur in Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs:

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Osteochondrosis dissecans
  • gastric torsion
  • epilepsy

For such a massive dog, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has a fairly high life expectancy at 10-12 years!


As with all other dog breeds, you should carefully question the origin of your Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.

Is it a reputable breed where the parent animals are tested for possible hereditary diseases?

Is the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog right for me?

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is right for you if you:

  • live in a house with a courtyard/garden
  • have no or older children
  • are sporty and like to be active yourself
  • have enough time for a dog
  • are physically equal to him
  • already have some dog experience
  • like funny, energetic and intelligent dogs
  • can spend at least €200 a month on your dog


Please always think very carefully about whether a dog breed really suits you.

At best, you will get to know one or the other Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and have a long chat with their owners before you get one yourself!

1 fun fact about the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

A interesting fun fact and a real one Peculiarity of this dog breed are the sounds they make.

A dull squeaking and grunting, gurgling and whining is typical of the gentle giant, especially when he is particularly excited.

Since he otherwise a deep and impressive bark makes many people wonder about the cute sounds that the Greater Swiss can make!


You can find some videos on Youtube where you can listen to the Great Swiss Mountain Dog’s cute sounds!