Dogs have a very good sense of smell. You can perceive up to a million different smells. For comparison: humans can only distinguish between 10,000 smells.
The reason for this is the many olfactory cells that dogs have. At the same time, dogs take a lot of short breaths, so they can perceive smells better.
We have been making use of dogs’ ability to smell for many years. Find out here what a dog can sniff out that we humans can only dream of.
Diabetics need their daily blood sugar levels keep an eye on them so they don’t get hypoglycemic. If the blood sugar level is too low or too high, various chemical processes are set in motion in the body.
A diabetes alert dog can amplify these processes sweat and smell notice and sound the alarm. He is trained to send out various warning signals.
These signals include, for example nudge. Some dogs are also trained to fetch the diabetes emergency kit in these instances.
epileptic seizures
Some dogs have the talent to epileptic seizure recognizable in humans. Early detection has the advantage that the epileptic seizure can be prevented.
These dogs are beating round 20 to 30 minutes before the attack at. The dog usually indicates the impending seizure by nudging or whimpering.
Dogs can detect cancer themselves. based on breathing or bowel movements, dogs can find out whether a person has cancer or not.
Researchers have done studies on this colon cancer patients and a test group. In 95% of the cases, the dogs could recognize the cancer.
Dogs can also be used for other types of cancer.
It is believed that the dogs changed the chemical processes can be sniffed out in the human body.
are particularly suitable for this labradorsGolden Retriever or the German Shepherd Dog.
The use of dogs is particularly popular in the drug investigation. The dogs can track down various addictive substances.
You will be happy at Customs or used by the police. Each drug has an individual smell that dogs, unlike humans, can quickly identify.
Thus, drugs can also be found that are particularly good for people hidden became.
Explosive detection dogs come in especially security relevant areas for use. These are, for example, schools, airports or events.
The dogs have the talent to sniff out the explosives. So far there is no technologywhich could replace the dog’s ability to smell.
In addition to drugs and explosives, dogs can too sniff out money – and surprisingly well. Even the best hiding place is not safe from the dogs.
For example, once money was in a Ham hidden. However, this did not pose a problem for the dog, who found the cash in a short time.
Because of this, dogs will be happy to attend border crossings and used in customs.
cell phones
Did you know that dogs can even smell cell phones? This property make themselves a priority prisons own.
So can smuggled cell phones be recognized, which the inmates use for their own purposes.
In Saxony, for example, there is one Cell Phone Search Dog in action. Here the prison is systematically searched by a dog for mobile phones.
For the truffle hunt dogs are also ideal. In the past, sows were used for this. The background is that the truffles smell like a boar.
Nowadays dogs have replaced pigs. She is particularly gifted when searching for truffles Italian dog breed Lagotto Romagnolo.
fun fact:
Dogs have the ability to move their nostrils independently. So they can smell right and left at the same time. This has the advantage that they can follow several tracks at the same time.
Does it come to one bug infestation, dogs can help. While we humans can only see bugs with the naked eye, dogs can sniff them out.
If the bugs were fought, the dogs can thus go to the control used to ensure that all bugs have been removed.
People find different things depending on their mood biochemical reactions take place in the body. A dog can perceive these reactions through its nose.
For example, if we feel stressed or sad, certain hormones poured out, which the dog smells.
This ability allows dogs to respond particularly well to people and them through her protective behavior calm.