Medium Spitz breed portrait (with pictures & information)

The midpoint is a medium-sized, energetic dog valued as a companion dog for centuries. He is an active dog that needs lots of exercise and attention.

He is very intelligent and a quick learner, making him an ideal family pet.

In this portrait we will look at the History, personality, upbringing and care of the middle class look a little closer.

Mittelspitz profile

Size Male: 30 to 40 cm, female: 30 to 40 cmWeightMale: 6 to 11 kg, female: 6 to 11 kgColorsBlack, Brown, White, Gray, Cream, OrangeLife expectancy13 to 15 yearsOriginGermanycharacter/temperamentAffectionate, alert, intelligent, resilient, friendlyFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and archetypes Section 4: European Spitz, without working trial.


The mid point achieves one regardless of gender Height at the withers of about 30 to 40 centimetres.

A mature midget weighs between 6 and 11 kilograms and is therefore one of the medium-sized dog breeds.

The head has a pointed shape with closely spaced ones, likewise pointed ears. The dark eyes of center point have a alert and lively expression.

Since the Move and the runs this dog breed in are about the same lengthit works Body in total quite compact. The rod is curled and is worn over the back.

A special feature of all pointed species the full, dense, protruding fur.

The lush, collar-like hair on the neck is strongly reminiscent of a lion’s mane. The dense fur consists of top coat and undercoat.

The mid point is there in different, not always monochromatic tones.

There is center tip in the Colors Black, white, brown, grey, cream and orange or also spotted dogs with appropriate color combinations.

History & origin of the Mittelspitz

Where exactly the Mittelspitz came from is unclear, as Spitz-type dogs have been around for many years in different regions of the world gives.

The first evidence is based on archaeological finds that are more than 4000 years old.

The mid point became in the Middle Ages by peasants gladly as smaller guard dog used because the hunting instinct was completely bred out in previous breeds.

At that time, hunting was only reserved for the nobility.

The mid point established itself as a reliable watchdog and remained a dog for the common people for a long time.

First In 1969 the official recognition this dog breed.

There yard and guard dogs at the present time not so popular anymore are, you meet the mid point unfortunately only rarely at.

Essence & character of the Mittelspitz

The mid point is a balanced, people-related, affectionate and more loyal Dog. With conspecifics is there no problem.

strangers he tends to behave towards distant and suspicious. becomes suspicious Preferably with barking displayed.

Overall, this dog breed owns an alert, lively and adaptable temperament. And although the mid point particularly alert and territorial is predisposed is the threshold overall yes very low.

The pack oriented mid point is likes to be with his people and loves cuddles and attention.

attitude & upbringing

center tip are very suitable as family dogs – She usually get along well other quadrupeds and are fond of children.

Since the mid point smart and docile and the Upbringing – if consistent – rather uncomplicated is, it is also suitable as beginner dog.

Some say so mid point after that he to bark tends. If enough workload and earlier socialization in the puppy age but this shouldn’t be a problem.

Health & Care

Like all lace, this also belongs mid point to the healthy dog ​​breeds. There are few hereditary diseases.

Although the mid point seldom compared to the larger peaks of the Hip dysplasia (HD) is affected, one is worthwhile X-ray examination at the breeder.

The risk of patellar dislocation to fall ill, in which the kneecap jumps out of the guide, is at mid point significantly lower than with smaller pointed variants.

Some dogs have one facility for Alopecia X.

At this Illnesswhich also goes by the name Black Skin Disease is known, there is a gradual hair loss on the neck and trunk – mostly in adulthood between 2 and 6 years.

The affected skin areas are then often pigmented black. Except for the changed appearance, this Illness but no health impairments.

puppies If not cared for properly, they tend to get a matted fur coat. One should therefore particularly in young dogs it is better to brush more than too little.

Adult dogs require less grooming. It’s just enough when changing fur to comb and brush to grab.

This also prevents hair flying around in the home environment.

Bathe should you mid point Basically only if there is no other way. It is better to wait until the dirt has dried.

Then the dirt then good brush out.

The mid point counts as one very robust and long-lived dog breedwhose Life expectancy is quite high.

Does the Mittelspitz suit me?

The mid point match with people with and without children. You shouldn’t to leave aloneas this breed of dog very people-oriented and affectionate is.

He feels most comfortable mid pointif he knows his people around him.

For hourly absences should the mid point get used to being left alone early on. Best already as puppy and gradually.

It is better,alternative reference persons to have in his environment that ensure care can.

The mid point needs people who its strong urge to move can meet.

The active dogs so need one active caregiverthe necessary for the outlet and the occupation cares.

With the visit of puppy playgroupthe dog school and participation in offers from the dog sport will the mid point species-appropriate encouraged and demanded.

The Mittelspitz shows itself to be more genuine in this regard all-rounder: Regardless of whether Agility, obedience, trick dogging, dog dancing or dummy training – Everything is with him mid point possible!

Fun facts about the Mittelspitz

Some people have to mid point inevitably on too Wilhelm Busch think.

As the author in 1865 Max and Moritz and other stories published in seven pranks, became the breed in no time famous and popular.

Like the Great Spitz, it also stands mid point since 2003 on the red list of endangered domestic animal breeds.

The littlest brother that Pomeranian (Pomeranian)on the other hand, is becoming increasingly popular as a lap dog.

The Mittelspitz is a real all-rounder and not only suitable for nature and dog sports.

When used in the social field the Mittelspitz delights the elderly. And in schools the friendly dog ​​helps, Take away children’s fear of dogs.

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