Leaving a dog with epilepsy alone: ​​you should pay attention to that!

When your dog on epilepsy suffers, it can be difficult to leave him alone. While you’re gone, can seizures occurthat too injuries could lead.

However, it is not possibleyour dog to watch constantly.

In this article we will discuss, what you can doto safely leave your dog with epilepsy alone.

In a nutshell: Can I leave my dog ​​with epilepsy alone?

If your dog suffers from epilepsy, then you should never leave him alone because seizures, stress and loneliness a big Burden can represent for him.

your dog can unforeseen seizures have and in such a situation it is important that someone is there to help him and make sure he no injuries suffers.

Why shouldn’t I leave my dog ​​with epilepsy alone?


A dog with epilepsy can an attack at any time have that even life threatening can be.

He could badly hurt or not getting help to calm him down.

epileptic seizures are often unpredictableso he should never be alone so he can get help if he has a seizure.


It is important not to leave your dog with epilepsy alone as this can lead to a increased stress level can lead to that in turn trigger or worsen seizures can.

The To be alone can one for your dog stressful experience be as they social animals and need to feel supported and reassured by their owners.


A dog with epilepsy will need one because of their illness Increased attention and Care.

If left alone, he can himself feel neglected and this can increase a risk of seizures. Therefore, it is important to have a dog with epilepsy not to be left alone.


There is a idiopathic epilepsythe cause of which is unknown and the symptomatic epilepsywhich triggers seizures due to a (previous) illness.

Can I leave my dog ​​with epilepsy if he’s on medication or has infrequent seizures?

When your dog is on medication and his Epilepsy well controlled will, it can be sure him for short timet leave alone.

However, there is still one some risk of seizureseven if your dog well adjusted is or only rarely seizures has.

You should therefore be careful and take appropriate precautions, such as:

Create safe environment

Make sure your dog is in a safe environment is in which he is not accidentally hurt can.

remove potential dangers such as sharp edges or electrical cables.

Advice from the veterinarian

let you rregularly from yours vet about the correct medication administration advise so he always well adjustedt is

Security Camera

One Security Camera can help you get your dog out of the to monitor remotely and to react quicklyif a seizure occurs.

friends or pet sitters

You can ask a friend to babysit your dog, or you can ask one Hire a dog sitterto be absolutely sure that he gets help if one seizure happens.

Good to know

Loud noises and glare can cause dogs to have an epileptic seizure. Darken the windows now and then turn on noise off if possible!

Can leaving my dog ​​with epilepsy trigger seizures?

Leaving a dog with epilepsy alone can stressful be for him. This can one trigger seizure.

He can also because of his illness be more prone to stress or anxietyespecially when he’s separated from you.

It is important that you give your dog a stress free environment offer and slowly get him used to being alone to do that risk of seizures to minimize.

One positive reinforcement and enough employment can also help reduce stress.

What alternatives are there to being left alone if my dog ​​has epilepsy?

If you have to leave your dog alone, you should make sure that he asufficiently busy is and his needs met are before you go.

Alternatively, you can Friend or dog sitter engage to give your dog the necessary Care and Attention received while you’re gone.

It is also important, regular vet visits and a stable routine maintain to the reduce seizure frequency and your dog a safe and stress free environment to offer.

If it is possible you can try from to work from homeso your dog not left alone must become.

You can also feed your dog a special food designed for epilepsy.


If you have a dog with epilepsy, it’s important to protect him not alone to let there seizures, stress and loneliness one for him big burden can represent.

Epileptic seizures are common unpredictableand it is important that someone is there to help and injuries to avoid.

If your dog up well medication set is or only rarely seizures has, it can be sure him for short time to leave alone.

But always with appropriate precautions like one safe environment or surveillance camera.

Alternatively you can for necessary care of your dog, regularly your vet visit and one stable routine maintain.

If you own one dog with epilepsy or one another tip If you have, please leave a comment.