Tracheal collapse in dogs: symptoms, course & medication

Does your dog suffer from coughing fits when there is pressure on his windpipe? When excited does he cough and choke?

These can be signs of a tracheal collapse in the dog. That’s the medical term for one narrowing of the trachea.

How dangerous is a tracheal collapse and which dog breeds are particularly affected? In this article you will find out everything you need to know.

What is a tracheal collapse in dogs?

With a tracheal collapse, a folding of the tracheai.e. the trachea.

In some cases, the trachea can even become completely blocked.

The reason is usually a weakness of the tracheal cartilage. They are called the tracheal membrane.

As a rule, tracheal collapse in dogs affects members of small dog breeds, which are also usually of advanced age.

Dog breeds that are particularly affected are the Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Maltese, Miniature Schnauzer and Yorkshire Terrier.

The disease is not contagious.

What are the causes of a tracheal collapse?

The exact causes of a tracheal collapse in dogs are largely unknown. However, there are risk factors that favor the development.

These facts include:

  • Chronic bronchitis
  • laryngeal paralysis
  • pulmonary edema
  • left ventricular enlargement
  • overweight
  • smoke in a smoking household
  • intubation

But there is usually one genetic predisposition to this disease.

Recognize tracheal collapse correctly

These symptoms are typical of a tracheal collapse:

  • Chronic cough
  • Cough on pressure on throat
  • Cough when excited
  • dry cough
  • mucus sputum

In order to recognize a tracheal collapse in dogs, you need to know these symptoms.

Sneezing backwards, shortness of breath and a drop in performance can also be clear signs.

through the insufficient oxygen intake there may be a bluish-violet discoloration of the lips, mucous membranes and skin.

First aid for tracheal collapse in dogs

A tracheal collapse belongs in the hands of a veterinarian.

Nevertheless, you are probably wondering what you can do as first aid so that your four-legged friend survives the transport to the veterinary practice.

Here is a simple but very effective tip:

Take your dog into the bathroom and turn the shower on really hot. The moist, warm vapors make it easier for your furry friend to breathe.

Diagnosis & treatment of tracheal collapse

Diagnosis and treatment of tracheal collapse in dogs is often late.

You often only realize after several weeks or even months that your four-legged friend has a tracheal collapse.

The clinical signs are not evident immediately after the collapse.

It usually starts with a chronic cough. At first it is only noticeable under load.

The worse the tracheal collapse, the more the cough occurs even at rest.

As the disease progresses, suffocation occurs. Your furry friend is breathing in panic because it’s afraid it won’t be able to breathe.

By the panic breathe in negative pressure is created, which further aggravates the situation.

The trachea collapses further. If you don’t act quickly now and take your dog to the vet immediately, the further course can be fatal.


An untreated tracheal collapse in dogs can be fatal if left untreated.

treatment options

In the worst case, a tracheal collapse must be operated on. A surgical intervention is not always necessary and not uncomplicated.

Conservative treatment

The vet will first examine the airway by listening with a stethoscope. An X-ray is then taken.

using a tracheoscopy (tracheal endoscopy) the condition of the trachea is examined from the inside.

Conservative drug treatment options are usually tried first if the collapse is not already life-threatening.

Medications used include:

  • anti-inflammatories
  • expectorant
  • bronchodilator
  • cough suppressant
  • tranquilizers
  • cortisone

surgical intervention

Conservative treatment is not promising or ineffective? Even cortisone does not bring the desired success?

Or does your dog suffer from severe shortness of breath and choking attacks?

In such cases, surgery is the only option to save your dog’s life. There are two ways to do this.

Your dog will have either an extraluminal stent or an endotracheal stent placed. The difference between the two approaches is to either dilate the trachea or stabilize the trachea.

The interventions are not without risk. Nerves can be damaged, laryngeal paralysis can occur, or the stents can slip.

For this reason, all other options are exhausted first. Nevertheless, an operation is sometimes unavoidable.

Unfortunately, even the surgical interventions can only reduce the discomfort of your furry friend. A tracheal collapse in dogs cannot be reversed.

You should therefore continue to make sure that you can avoid risk factors.

What is the life expectancy with a tracheal collapse?

A tracheal collapse in dogs is not necessarily fatal and does not have to affect the life expectancy of your furry friend.

Most four-legged friends can live a happy and species-appropriate dog life with a tracheal collapse.

If you stick to the guidelines – smoke-free apartment, avoid being overweight, slightly damp room climate – then it stays Life expectancy your four-legged friend well.

In very few cases, however, the breathing difficulties after a tracheal collapse are so serious that it is more animal-friendly to have the dog put to sleep.

You don’t want to let your four-legged friend suffer unnecessarily. And always almost choking scares and torments him.

However, your veterinarian will advise you on the subject of euthanasia in the event of a dog’s tracheal collapse.

How can you prevent a tracheal collapse?

Never smoke around your furry friend. Whether at home or in the car: Your four-legged friend always smokes passively.


Passive smoking in any form is absolutely poisonous for your dog!

Another preventive measure is a reasonable weight your four-legged friend. Obesity can be a trigger for a tracheal collapse in dogs.

A diet is often unavoidable.

Do you have a four-legged friend who has suffered a tracheal collapse? We would be very happy if you would like to share yours with us in the comments experiences lets participate.