8 home remedies that really help

In dogs, between a infectious and non-infectious arthritis (joint inflammation) distinguished.

Joint inflammation usually shows itself through exhaustion, tiredness and when your four-legged friend moves slowly.

In this article we show you which 8 home remedies can help with joint inflammation in dogs and when you should go to the vet.

Joint inflammation dog – 8 home remedies that help

In general, warm compresses, massage, quark and cold packs, cooling pads or cold therapy in general, aloe vera, turmeric, ginger and devil’s claw can help.

Note that home remedies can only have a supporting effect and do not replace a visit to the vet or medication!

Warm compresses

  • Effect: A warm compress can help reduce pain and inflammation in the affected joints of your furry friend.
  • How to use: You can make a warm compress by soaking a towel in warm water and then wringing it out before placing it on the affected joint.
  • Dosage: Leave the compress on for 10 to 15 minutes and repeat this several times a day.


  • Effect: A gentle massage can promote blood circulation and relieve pain.
  • How to use: Begin with light, gentle movements before concentrating on the affected joints. Gently massage the affected joint in circular motions and gradually increase the pressure if your furry friend allows it.
  • Dosage: Massage your dog three to five times a day!

Cottage cheese and cold packs

  • Effect: When heat doesn’t help, the cold can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Application: Get the cold quark out of the fridge and let it drain in a sieve. Then, put the curd in a towel and place it on the affected joint.
  • Dosage: Leave the cold wrap on your furry friend’s joint for 10 to 15 minutes before removing it. Repeat this several times a day.

cooling pads

  • Effect: The cooling pads act like the quark wraps and are an alternative.
  • Application: Take a cooling pad from the fridge (not from the freezer) and wrap it in a towel. Place the towel on the affected joint.
  • Dosage: Leave the towel on the joint for a maximum of 15 minutes and repeat the procedure several times a day.

aloe vera

  • Effect: Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and immune-stimulating effect and can reduce pain.
  • Application: Since aloe vera as a food can be toxic to dogs, it should only be used as a gel. Apply the gel to the affected joint.
  • Dosage: Rub the joint with aloe vera gel three times a day.


  • Effect: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore help to reduce the pain of arthritis.
  • Application: Turmeric can be given in the form of food supplements or fresh or dried powder, eg in wet food.
  • Dosage: 15 to 30 mg per pound of body weight is recommended, preferably divided into two to three servings per day.


  • Effect: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce pain and inflammation in dogs with arthritis.
  • Application: It can be given in the form of fresh or dried powder or as a dietary supplement. As a powder you can put it in the lining of your fur nose. Fresh ginger should be cut very small, ideally ground finely and given in the feed.
  • Dosage: 15 to 30 mg per 0.5 kg body weight is recommended.

devil’s claw

  • Effect: Devil’s claw is a herbal substance that can reduce pain and inflammation in dogs with arthritis.
  • Application: You can give it to your four-legged friend as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules or tablets.
  • Dosage: The recommended dosage of devil’s claw depends on the size of the dog. In general, it is recommended to administer 1 to 2 capsules per day. However, you should first make sure that your fur nose is not suffering from gastrointestinal problems, as these can be made worse by devil’s claw.

Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog ​​has arthritis?

Home remedies will never reverse arthritis or completely eliminate symptoms. It is therefore not advisable to solely rely on this.

Adjust the food, there are varieties on the market for dogs with medical conditions. From now on, give up foods like cheese.

In addition, it makes sense to pay attention to a movement coordinated with the veterinarian. Usually helps To swim very good, quiet walks are also worthwhile.

When should I go to the vet?

If your darling moves more slowly and hesitantly and is constantly tired, you should see a doctor immediately.

Arthritis, whether infectious or non-infectious, can only be treated with medication, therefore, you must always go to the vet immediately.

The use of home remedies should also be discussed with the veterinarian and should be used to support drug treatment.


If your furry friend suffers from arthritis, you must take her to the vet immediately.

Because joint inflammation has various causes that must be clarified in advance for the right treatment.

Give your darling more love in the form of cuddlessince you should now reduce the feed.

Avoid strenuous sports such as jogging and go for a leisurely swim and walk with your darling.

Do you have a dog that suffers from arthritis or do you know someone close to you? Then let us know with a comment!