These 10 Dog Breeds Are Considered Absolutely Gluttonous (With Pictures)

Our dogs are increasingly becoming overweight. Even diabetes is becoming a problem for dogs and their owners.

Is it just bringing up with too many treats? Let’s overfeed our dogs and get up any begging willingly accepted or are there actually dog ​​breeds which one Miss satiety?

In any case, there are many breeds of dogs, so caution is advised and the treats should also be calculated if possible, because Obesity can also lead to other diseases!

1. Beagles

you need less energy due to their metabolismas this active Dogs let suspect at first glance.

They also take every opportunity to eat! Don’t give in to their begging too often!

2. Cocker Spaniels

You have a Ideal weight from 12 to a maximum of 15 kg and tend with her devoted and loyal gaze to more begging.

The Cocker Spaniel is of a Training with the help of treats is not advisable in any case, otherwise he will need a diet plan quickly.

3. Collie

They are agile and ready to movemostly from slim build. Your problem is often that their keepers less athletic are!

As herding dogs, they get along well with lean food, despite constant exercise.

4. Dachshund

Many of these cute four-legged friend suffer from one genetic hypothyroidism. A strict diet and regular medical checks are the order of the day here.

Even if it seems hard, that Begging must stop!

5.Golden Retrievers

This sporty dogs should only be owned by sporty families with a lot of outdoor activity being held.

Above all when young he is overly gluttonous and must be kept moving!

6. Labrador retrievers

A genetic defect ensures with this breed of dogs that they not feel full. Always keep this in mind.

for these animals the worst combinationif to posture in an apartment one more Couch potato owner comes!

7. Great Dane

Because of their size these dogs will be happy overfed by their keepers. Once used to overfeeding, he will demand it.

to come lack of exercise In addition, the gentle giant will soon become a sick giant!

8.English Mastiff

He’s not just one of the biggest dogsbut also the hardest. His massive stature makes it easy for their owners to overlook the onset of obesity.

As former wild boar and bear hunters, they need their daily exerciseeven if they don’t reach top speeds.

9. St. Bernard

The gentle giants in your good-natured, comfortable manner also tempt to overfeeding. Although they like to exercise, they sometimes need to be encouraged to do so.

talk to him don’t look at his thick furwhen he grows up!

10. Leonberger

As working dogs are they preferably outdoors with constant movement raised up.

Since this at a Keeping without a house in the countryside hardly possible is, either keep your hands off this breed or keep to a diet!