These 16 Dog Breeds Are Allegedly Considered Aggressive (+ Pics)

Aggressive dog breeds? This is a touchy subject as no dog is born aggressive – but everyone is can it will. But how?

Factors like the important socialization phase in puppyhood, the Moving to the new homethe Conditions in which a dog grows up and of course also the added one Mustard of the two-legged dog parents plays a major role!

In fact, almost all dogs have the same potential to become aggressive or dangerous. Nevertheless, there are some dog breeds that are repeatedly associated with aggressiveness, unpredictability or danger. However, they are not naturally so!

We introduce you to 16 dog breeds that are actually not monsters!

1. American Staffordshire Terriers

There have been a few biting incidents in recent decades American Staffordshire Terriers. These have led to it being classified as dangerous or at least potentially dangerous in many countries and also in 13 German federal states.

The keeping of dogs, which on the breed list of the respective country is associated with official requirements, some evidence and sometimes high costs.

2. (American) Pitbull Terriers

Also the (American) Pit Bull Terriers is not popular in many countries.

Dog breeds like the pit bull or the staff are born just as innocent and sweet as a poodle or a Yorkshire terrier!

Her muscular physiquethe enormous bite force, strong self-esteem, courage and fearlessness However, in the wrong hands, they can quickly spiral out of control.

Humans play a very important role in this regard!

3. Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff leaves a lasting impression on almost everyone.

It is one of the largest and strongest dog breeds in the world.

Why many of these dogs as potentially dangerous be classified or aggressive behavior develop depends mainly on who brought such a dog into the house.

Unfortunately, show-off breeds like the Bullmastiff are often bought as a status symbol to show off and pose for. Wrong beliefs quickly lead to behavioral problems and dangerous misunderstandings!

4. Bull Terrier

The original suitability of bull terriers was a bull and badger biterswhich also for terrible dog fights bred and abused.

A Bull Terrier’s bite inhibition may be less than that of a Bolonka Zwetna. Nevertheless, Bullis have a very friendly, playful, happy and good-natured nature.

Her protective instinct can be handled with consistent training in such a way that nobody has anything to fear from the «banana noses»!

5. Caucasian Ovcharka

The Caucasian Ovcharka makes an impression in two ways.

Be bear-like appearance with a height of up to 70 centimeters and a weight of 45 – 50 kilograms, makes him a born protector and vigilant bodyguard.

His Suitability as a livestock guard dog reinforces the confident and dominant nature of this giant Russian dog breed.

livestock guardian dogs tick a little differently than other dog breeds.

Aggressive behavior in dogs is promoted, among other things, by a lack of understanding! It is therefore important to know your dog and to be able to interpret, analyze and understand its behavior – if necessary with the help of a dog trainer!

6. Rottweilers

Rottweilers are popular family dogs.

How do they fit into the context of “aggressive dog breeds”?

On the one hand, this is because the Rottweiler has the greatest bite force of all dog breeds.

On the other hand, it is a strong, fearless and self-confident dog, which also makes it into the police dog squadron due to its characteristics.

If you understand the nature of the Rottweiler, you have a gentle and loyal companion at your side, completely relaxed and without any aggression.

7. Cane Corso Italiano

Also the Italian Cane Corso is often misunderstood.

With cropped ears and a cropped tail, the big dog is said to appear even more “violent”. It’s a shame that there are still people who value this kind of thing.

Typically, the Cane Corso is considered intelligent, focused, fearless, and trainable—but not aggressive.

8. Dogo Argentino

Also the Dogo Argentino is banned in many countries.

This is a very loyal and affectionate dog, who also likes to be a pet family dog is held.

If kept in a kennel, the actually tender soul of the Dogo would wither away.

Poor housing conditions, lack of love and care, misunderstanding and unfair treatment can turn any dog ​​into a frustrated aggressor.

9. Dogue de Bordeaux

Like the Dogo Argentino has the Dogue de Bordeaux a distinct one protective instinct.

With a consistent and loving upbringing, the small Dogue de Bordeaux will grow into a sociable, companionable and devoted big dog.

However, it is banned and classified as (potentially) dangerous in many countries.

10. Fila Brasileiro

The original suitability of Fila Brasileiro is hunting big game and guarding home and family.

We are dealing here with a driving, active, strong, enduring and alert super athlete.

The attitude of such a dog breed is not comparable to that of a Golden Retriever, you should be aware of that! However, they could both be dangerous…

11. Tosa Inu

The Tosa Inu is banned in most countries. It is considered an aggressive dog breed, although it also:

As the master, so the mess!

The strong and self-confident dog has a few requirements to be classified as (potentially) dangerous. But if you take a closer look at the Japanese Tosa Inu, you will quickly find out what really makes him special!

12. Neapolitan Mastiff

With a body weight of up to 70 kilograms and a size of 60 – 77 centimeters, it is the Neapolitan Mastiff one of the largest and heaviest dog breeds in the world.

Of course it is good and right to show him – like all other dog breeds – the necessary respect and sufficient sensitivity for his character traits.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is challenging and not for novice dogs, yes. But he is not aggressive by nature! Cool and relaxed is more appropriate.

13. Doberman

Let’s take a look at that too doberman. Even if it is only classified as potentially dangerous in a few countries or federal states, the watchful dog still has some prerequisites for being polarized incorrectly in the wrong hands.

This is mainly due to the fact that the Doberman is considered “man-sharp” (like the Weimaraner, by the way). Yes, they can be «trained for people», which they also use for example in the Police service dog unit makes very popular.

14. Malinois

If we are already talking about the Dobermann and the Weimaraner, then let’s also count them Malinois to the “man-sharp” and “aggressive dog breeds”.

The Mali is no more naturally aggressive than any other dog!

Its more pronounced will-to-please but also lets him scale walls for his caregiver and fend off even the toughest enemy.

15. Chihuahua

How aggressive is a Chihuahua? Or are only large dog breeds aggressive?

The answer is: no dog is aggressive, but all dogs can become aggressive.

Even small dogs are often misunderstood and develop frustration and aggressiveness as a result. Only a Chihuahua is not taken seriously as quickly as a Rottweiler or a Caucasian Ovcharka.

16. Mongrels

How high that «Aggression potential» in mixed breeds is is difficult to predict.

Responsible breeding rules out indiscriminately crossbreeding dog breeds that could produce disturbed or unpredictable offspring!

Mixed breed dogs that are born on the street MAY develop aggressive behavior as they often lead hard lives and in some parts of the world they are seen and treated as a nuisance by humans.

No dog is born aggressive – but humans can manage to turn these magical creatures into aggressive and misunderstood animals.