Puppies are super cute – no wonder we preferably straight to our house would fetch.
Were they separated from their mother too early?it would be bad for the little fur noses.
In the following guide we will therefore address the question «How long do puppies stay with their mothers?» to the bottom.
How long do puppies stay with their mother?
How long puppies stay with their mother, depends on different factors away. Both guidelines and the puppies themselves play a role here.
What’s the rule here?
The rule that applies here is the following: Puppies must be at least 8 weeks oldbefore they can be handed in.
Only from this age are the little ones able if necessary, take care of yourself.
One separation from the motherwhich takes place before the 8th week of life is reached, harms the puppies – for a variety of reasons.
On the one hand, the little fur noses need not only the protection of the mother – you need them too breast milk.
Because this contains everything the puppies need to be a to get a healthy and strong start in dog life.
On the other hand, this time a first phase of socialization.
That means that the puppies are at many new impressions have to get used to. This includes not only the spatial environment, but also the first contact with people.
When do puppies separate on their own?
As much as puppies and dog mom are attached to each other: too there is a completely natural separation herein which man has no fingers in the pie.
Namely, when the little ones reach the 12th week of life or have completed.
At the age of 3 months a first emotional and partly also spatial separation of the animals so planned.
That means: The Puppies have now fledged and can live their lives independently.
How long do puppies have to stay with their mother?
We already mentioned that puppies at least 8 weeks MUST stay with her mother.
Likewise, you now know that there is a natural breakup at 12 weeks anyway.
With that you have almost the anchor pointswhich define how long a puppy MUST stay with its mother.
In fact there is only a few breedersthe consider it sensible to give up before the 12th week of life.
The following applies here: A fee should only be paid if but can also already at 10 weeks be taken into consideration.
What happens when puppies are separated from their mothers too soon?
If puppies are separated from their mother too soon, will this have a negative impact on their social and physical development.
The lack of protection, mother’s milk and socialization harms the dog.
In fact, the first weeks of life extremely formative and therefore important for the puppies. We will now explain to you what takes place in the first few weeks of puppy life.
The first 2 to 3 weeks
The puppies are also days after birth not yet able to do the most important things alone close.
That includes that too defecation and urination. Only the little ones can do that when their mum has massaged their tummy with her tongue beforehand.
First from around the 18th day of life they are able to carry out their two businesses without outside help.
3rd to 6th week
From the 3rd week of life begins the first phase of socialization. That means the little ones are starting to to play with each other.
Also first Objects arouse playful interest the fur nose. Here is tested, nibbled and drooled.
The litter boxin which the puppies were born, is now only the place to sleep.
In short: The puppies take their first clumsy steps into independent dog life.
Good to know
Not only the Business can be done independently from this age become. The general personal hygiene is now also the responsibility of the little dogs.
The dog mom begins from the 5th week of life with the first education their little rascals. If one of the little rascals overdoes it with the games, he will be warned by her.
part of this Warning is it that the little one submits to the mother. So he has to learn where its limits are.
And this is of course enormously important for the puppybecause the acceptance of a (human) pack leader also plays a decisive role in older dogs.
So it’s perhaps not surprising that during this time first rank and pack fights among the puppies break out, in which the limits of each other are also tested and marked out.
Did you know that a fee in the 8th week of life not really ideal is? Because although it is allowed, this time is particularly formative for the puppies.
Because this is where one of the most important emotions comes into play: fear. Puppies only know what it means to be afraid of something at this age.
Must have a small dog at this time cope with a traumatic experience – and this can also include separation from the mother – this must be the case processed carefully and thoroughly.
Good to know
Herein lies the reason why most breeders give up the puppies after the 8th week of life.
Because then the young dogs emotionally more stable and can handle negative things better.
How long do puppies stay with their mother? Our guide told you that at least 8 weeks will pass bybefore a puppy is allowed to move in with you.
It is even better if you be patient until they are 10 or 12 weeks old can.
Because then the little mouse emotionally stable enough to start the new phase of life with you to dare.
What experiences can you share with us – either as a person who has brought a puppy into their home or as a breeder?
We’d love for you to share your tips with us in the comments.