Keep a dog as a student? THAT you should note

Testing is above studying. Or – for this amount: studying is about trying, or rather it goes hand in hand with it.

Because: In this guide you will find out whether a dog as a student Makes sense – and what you should consider.

So look forward to tips with which you can take your furry friend to school or university.

In a nutshell: Can I keep a dog as a student?

Yes, You can keep a dog as a student. But please do not assume that he will actively participate in your lectures or even write your seminar papers and theses.

Keeping a dog as a student – ​​requirements

You are student? And have you been thinking about bringing a dog into your shared flat for a long time? Then there are a few things that you should definitely consider in advance. Now you can find out what they are.

time and money

Anyone who is a student or once was knows that the money is not always available in large quantities. Why are we saying this? Because a dog costs money. And depending on race, age and health, not always little.

On top of that a dog a certain amount of time means. This starts with repeated walks and ends with sufficient activity.

So if you decide to live with a dog during your studies, you have to keep this information in mind. Unless you still live with your parentswho can also care.

Or maybe you are no longer a “young student”, so you are doing your studies part-time, for example. And so you stand privately, professionally and financially already with both feet on the ground.

Accordingly, the most important requirements include: Sufficient financial resources and sufficient time. And of course the desire to walk the dog outside the door after a long day at the university.

housing situation

Another important point should not be forgotten. In many cases, landlords will not allow you to keep a dog. Although is a corresponding law was overturned in 2013.

However, that does not automatically mean that dogs and other pets are welcome in rented apartments.

In addition: In student dormitories is there almost no exceptionsthat allow you to own a dog.

So if you live in one, a dog is only allowed after your studies or in another apartment.

Good to know:

Also the size of the dog is a crucial factor. After all, the bigger a dog, the more it eats. And the more it costs then.

Are dogs allowed at universities?

Basically, dogs are allowed at universities. However, there is a small caveat. Is one of your fellow students suffering from one? Dog Hair Allergythe topic of the studying dog has unfortunately been resolved.

This also applies if a lecturer just doesn’t feel like itto have a dog in his lectures.

Good to know:

There are colleges that allow pets generally prohibited due to the house rules is. The only exception: service dogs, such as guide dogs. This exemption also applies if you want to take your dog to school with you.

Which dog breed is suitable for students?

Not every dog ​​and therefore not every breed is suitable for coming to the university.

This is especially true for dogs that are a little livelier or more spirited. We will now explain to you which dogs can become good students and which not.

You might be interested in these breeds

Of course, the university or your studies should not be decisive when it comes to the right dog for you.

However, if you would like your four-legged friend to accompany you there, the following breeds may be suitable.


Labradors are considered one calm dog breed, which is not easily disturbed. And that is very important at a university. Because here it gets a little louder and busier from time to time.


This breed became originally explicitly as a family dog bred. That means: She has a very balanced and calm temperament.

And finally, at a busy university, there isn’t always a big difference in noise between young children and adult students.


Loriot already knew: «Life without a pug is possible, but pointless.» Maybe you see things the same way and would therefore like to have a pug?

In fact, the small dogs are also suitable for accompanying you to the university – as long as dogs are allowed, of course. Because pugs are considered deeply relaxed, partially lazy and very balanced.

Good to know:

If you choose a pug, please choose that one «Great Pug». This is because – in contrast to the «fashion pug» – it does not have the breathing problems typical of these breeds. So it is not a matter of so-called torment breeding.

You should stay away from these dog breeds

Jack Russell Terrier

And terriers in general. The reason: Jack Russell Terriers don’t have a canine reputation like Donnerhall for nothing. They are bundle of energythey like to chase after things and creatures, they bark often and loudly.

Terriers are therefore not particularly well suited to a university environment. At least not if you’re not studying hunting anyway.


Originally the court dog of the Chinese Emperors, this breed is a fluffy diva. This one would prefer to be the focusthan just watching.

Not a good prerequisite for attending your lectures and seminars. The same applies to the chihuahua. Because he tends to overestimate himself and also diva-like behavior.

border collie

A Border Collie can function in a college setting, but it doesn’t have to. That stands and falls with the upbringing.

Why it is like that? Border Collies are herding dogs, so to a certain extent they are always on “pay attention”. Not always the best starting point in a lecture hall to be able to listen to the lecturer with concentration.


This breed not only resembles the ancestor of all dogs in appearance. The character is also quite similar to that of the wolf.

The result: the wolfhound is very freedom loving. A cramped and, above all, closed lecture hall is therefore not one of his preferred places to stay. As a result, it may be that he disobedience and barking tends.

How much does a dog cost?

Dogs not only cause costs with the food. Also the factors Tax, Insurance, Liability and Vet/Vaccinations should never be forgotten. We will now explain how these costs are broken down in detail.


If you have a dog or would like a dog as a roommate, you should also find out about the appropriate dog insurance policies. Both one are useful health and liability insurance.

Health insurance costs – depending on the contractual conditions – from €4 a month. Routine check-ups and vaccinations as well as surgical interventions are covered at a certain rate.

Liability insurance for dogs must be taken out in almost all federal states. The only exception: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Even if this insurance is not mandatory everywhere: it makes perfect sense. Especially if you want to take your dog to the university.

If something breaks here, the insurance company can pay for this damage financially. That costs you per month from €3.


From a size of 40 centimeters and a weight of 20 kilograms, dogs can fall into the category of list dogs. Or are then evaluated as dog breeds with potential for danger.

For these breeds – including the Labrador – there are higher costs in terms of liability insurance.


Veterinary costs are incurred every year. This is an irrefutable fact – at least if you are very attached to your fur nose, which of course you are.

If your dog is in the best of health, you still fall annual routine check-ups at. These “multiply” with increasing age.

Booster vaccinations are also part of these investigations or can be. Generally you can here with costs in the amount of calculate around 100 €that occur once a year.

dog tax

The cost of this item always depends on the respective municipality. So from the place where you live and study.

In general, however, you can with an amount from €7.50 per month calculate for the dog tax. Incidentally, you pay the lowest amount in Hamburg, around €90 per year. Rhineland-Palatinate is the most expensive at €186 per year.

Food, toys & Co.

Not only insurance and the vet cost money. Of course, your four-legged roommate also wants food, toys and accessories.

For lining should you about 50 € plan on. Depending on the quality and brand as well as the size of your dog, this item can also be more expensive.

With regard to bowls and lines, these are initially one-off costs. These amount to around €150. Note, however, that lines in particular definitely need to be replaced. So in the future there will be new costs for you.

to be added a dog bed and a dog basket. Here you should about more €100 plan on.

toys are at your discretion. How many you buy your dog is ultimately your decision (but don’t overdo it). This post starts at about 5 €.

Experiences of student dog owners

Testing is above studying? That may be the case – and yet your decision can be made easier by the experience of other students with dogs.

«I’m a student with a dog. But everything only works as well as it works, because I still live at home and earn the money as a student assistant, which costs my life and the dog. (…)»

«(…) And you should be aware that you have to do without something or that it involves quite a bit of effort (celebrating, semester abroad, etc.). (…) first look at the whole thing for 2-3 semesters without dogs and then decide whether it fits in time and financially.»

«I can understand the concerns here, but I still see it a bit differently because I don’t think there is a blanket answer to such questions. Well, I would definitely wait until you’re at university and have found an apartment. Then I would see what your daily routine looks like when you study.”

Better an adult dog or a puppy?

In general, it is easier to be in the lecture hall with an adult dog. And the reason is obvious. Because a puppy is for one busier. Second, he has his Urge to urinate not always under control.

And peeping can be triggered by excitement – from which of course even a large dog is not automatically protected. However, adult dogs are usually housebroken.

In addition, older dogs have at best already benefited from a completed education. So ideally have good manners.

However, if you’ve picked a difficult candidate from the shelter, you could also run into problems if they’re not used to lecture halls or maybe even scared of lots of people….