Top 10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World From + Pictures

Your own dog is priceless, that’s clear! But what about other dogs?

We introduce you to 10 expensive dog breeds and their special features. You will discover some rare breeds and get to know special breeding lines.

In addition, the most expensive dog in the world awaits you!

Guess what – and then scroll down for the resolution.

10 expensive dog breeds at a glance

There are dog breeds that are very rare and have few breeding animals – here the price for puppies skyrockets.

But even adult dogs of well-known breeds can cost a lot if they have received special training.


On the Internet you can sometimes buy puppies of expensive dog breeds for cheaper prices. You should keep your hands off that, because they are often raised in violation of animal welfare and become ill.

What you save now, you have to pay for later in vet bills. Therefore, only buy your puppy from reputable breeders.

Peruvian hairless dog

Price: Approximately €3000

We’ll start with a whimsical member of the canine family – the Peruvian Hairless Dog.

The name says it all: hairless dogs don’t wear fur! However, they are not completely naked – the Peruvian Hairless Dog has a slight amount of hair on its head, on its paws and on the tip of its tail.

The breed has been considered braver in Peru for centuries yard and guard dog bred. He sports his skin in many colors, including multicolored or mottled.

He is very sociable, enjoys human contact and likes to sunbathe. Light-skinned specimens in particular can also get sunburn. Look familiar? Then apply lotion to your hairless dog when you are chilling in the sun!

Good to know:

There are also hairy hairless dogs. This seems contradictory, but serves to keep the breed healthy. The nudity is due to a «wanted» genetic defect.

Akita Inu

Price: €1,200 to €4,500

The Japanese Akita Inu is said to have accompanied the samurai in the past – no wonder, he is considered alert, self-confident, independent and courageous.

Traditions mentioning Akitas can be found as early as the 2nd century. He is one of those dogs of the archetypal type. In 1931 they were declared a natural heritage of Japan and foreign sale was forbidden until 1945.

The dense fur and the curled tail give him a cuddly appearance, but be careful – the Aktia Inu needs an experienced caregiver, otherwise he will set himself up as the pack leader.

In Europe, the demand for Japanese Spitz breeds has increased, but there are not many breeders yet, which is driving up puppies prices. In addition to the Akita, the smaller Shiba Inu is also popular.

Canadian Eskimo Dog

Price: around €5000

The Canadian Eskimo Dog has been bred for 4000 years as a specialized Inuit working dog.

You will still be called today sled dogs used, formerly also as hunting and guard dogs – and all this in the extreme arctic environment.

The Eskimo dog is very rarely found here and is therefore one of the most expensive dog breeds.

There is a reason for the rarity: Due to their adaptation to the extreme environment of the arctic and their very strong urge to work, the Eskimo dog is not suitable as an ordinary house or apartment dog.

Eskimo dogs are pack-oriented but also strongly attached to their humans. You feel most comfortable outside in cold temperatures.

And they are real powerhouses: in their homeland of Canada, they pulled up to 80kg over a distance of 200km.

Pharaoh Hound

Price: Up to €6000

The elegant silhouette is meant to be reminiscent of the Egyptian god of death, Anubis – although the pharaoh hound is a very friendly and affectionate four-legged friend.

As Specialist in rabbit hunting his hunting instinct should not be underestimated, due to a certain independence, free running is difficult. Nevertheless, care must be taken to ensure that the dogs are kept busy, otherwise the dog gods will become moody.

On his homeland of Malta there are many pharaoh hounds, but at least they have papers. A pharaoh hound from a registered breed costs its price and is therefore considered an expensive dog breed.

chow chow

Price: Up to €8500

The “bears from China” are easily recognizable by their blue tongues. As with other Spitz breeds, it carries its tail curled over its back.

The opulent fur is long, soft and padded with lots of undercoat – he doesn’t want to touch it. But be careful, a chow chow is not a cuddly toy!

They are considered proud, headstrong and only a little playful.

Chow Chows are as guard dogs suitable, because they bind themselves to a maximum of two attachment figures and tend to be suspicious of other people.

Her almost stoic calm is impressive. They prefer to be up

leisurely walks along the way and spend their time sniffing the air. Dog sport or jogging? No thank you!

But even in the cozy bearskin there is still a hunting instinct. You should only let your Chow Chow run free if he is well trained.


Price: Up to €9,000

The little Löwchen certainly doesn’t owe its name to its stately size – with a maximum height of 36 cm, it is the smallest dog on this list.

The name is inspired by the typical shearing used to trim long fur from the waist. This is how the chic lion look is created.

The French lap dogs were popular as aristocratic companions in the Middle Ages, but when popularity waned, the breed almost died out.

Now there are some breeding stock again and prices for puppies start at €1,400 which is just above average. But there is still a lot of money being spent on dogs with rare traits or award-winning adult dogs.


Price: up to €11,000

The medium sized one sled dog from Russia is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

The North Siberian ethnic group of the same name also valued their dogs as family members. They were allowed to sleep in the tent as “bedwarmers”.

The Samoyed combines its imposing appearance with an idiosyncratic character that can make training a challenge.

Samoyeds have soft, rich fur that comes in a variety of light shades.

Regular Samoyeds are not more expensive than other breeds of dogs. However, there is an old Siberian breeding line that produces pure white Samoyeds.

For an animal with this pedigree you have to dig deep into your pocket.


Price: up to €12,000

The Persian greyhound is rare and therefore an expensive breed of dog. If you are also interested in certain Arabian lines, you must bring a full wallet with you.

Saluki have been bred and admired for six millennia. Rightly so: their elegance cannot be denied, they wear all colors, they are considered calm and sensitive. As sight hunter but they are also fast and independent.

The animals used to be considered too precious and tradition forbade buying or selling Salukis. Only as a gift of honor could Salukis change hands. As such, the Saluki also came to Europe.

Good to know:

Salukis like to «sing» with their human pack. They howl at different pitches when you play an instrument, sing – and sometimes when you play music.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Price: up to €20,000

The sweet four-legged friend has long, silky hair and is not just an asset to a royal family.

His happy, well-balanced nature and easy trainability predestine him as a family dog. He is also very cavalier when dealing with other dogs, i.e. very sociable, open and polite.

You can buy an ordinary Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy for as little as €1,500. Unfortunately, there are many hereditary and breeding diseases, even with reputable breeders, due to the fact that show breeding is the priority.

It is therefore worthwhile to visit a premium breeder. And for a puppy from the «Premium-Kör-Zucht» a royal sum is quickly due.

Tibetan Mastiff


Price: in Europe €2,200 to €7,000, in Asia up to €1.4 million

Curtain up for the most expensive dog in the world!

In 2014, the Tibetan mastiff «Dazhewang» changed hands for the equivalent of around €1.5 million. Translated, the name means as much as “big lion king” – and that fits. Dazhewang is golden in color, 80cm high and weighs 90kg.

The Tibetan Mastiffs, also called Do Khyi, were raised in Tibetan monasteries as a guard and livestock protection dogs bred.

According to legend, Genghis Khan and Buddha also owned a Tibetan mastiff.

The massive shape of the huge animals and their imposing lion’s mane make them a status symbol in Asia today, which drives the price there to astronomical heights.

If you want to get a Do Khyi in our latitudes (and don’t value special breeding lines), you can buy puppies at normal prices.

Good to know:

The health of the strong-nerved dogs is often even better in this country than in the Himalayas, since the rule there is: the heavier, the higher the price. Unfortunately, this does not contribute to healthy breeding.

Expensive working dogs

The dogs listed so far are expensive because they come from rare breeding lines, have special characteristics, are status symbols, or demand exceeds supply.

But there are also expensive dogs whose price only increases when they are adults because they have undergone special training.

The strong, fearless and gentle rottweiler is often called Service, protection or rescue dog educated. Prices for a well trained Rottweiler can go up to €8,000 to reach.

German shepherds are probably considered to be one of the most popular and well-known dog breeds and are relatively cheap to acquire due to their distribution. The intelligent, strong-nerved and docile dogs are known worldwide as Military and police service dogs deployed. A shepherd dog trained here can €20,000 cost and is one of the most expensive dogs in Europe.