Hardly a dog is inherently evil.
She can seem dangerous and because of her bred traits from suspicious nature be because they as protector and guardian were needed.
Dog breeds that look bad are dog breeds that inspire respect. Their stature ranges from powerful and muscular to bulky and compact. Their ears are often erect and pointed interestinglymost own one mostly black fur.
We made a list of Dog breeds that look bad can:
1. Doberman Pinscher
Be impressive physique underlines his rather grim facial expression and makes him look evil to many people.
Since they are also among the rather large dogs are reckoned with, they are popular as guard dogs or deterrent companions of joggers during the more gray, overcast hours of the day.
More and more women are interested in this dog breed!
2. Rottweiler
Maybe it’s because of his grim skeptical look in his eyes so gladly seen by the police and security services. Together with his muscles he demands respect and recognition.
its high intelligence lets him quickly understand commands, which also contributes to his fitness for service contributes. With the right upbringing within a family, he shows his gentle and playful side.
3. Bullmastiff
For some people they have a rather sad expression on their face. The other, in turn, interprets the wide snout with the small eyes as an evil expression.
will be underlined dangerous look through his beefy muscular build and his wide-legged positionwhen he moves in front of his holder to close it to protect.
4. Cane Corso
Although he’s a rather calm and relaxed nature reveals lead his strong muscles under a short, shiny coat to that everyone treated him with respect.
In Italy, it is currently establishing itself as a popular family dog. For his attitude are Space and experience required. In addition, he needs Time from you, so that you too long stays for outdoor exercise can plan.
5. Dogue de Bordeaux
Tiny eyes behind lots of wrinkles and a broad, large snout paired with one stocky muscular physique leave this dog breed very formidable appear.
As one of oldest dog breeds in France he performs his duties as guard dog and protector as well as Hunters since the 14th century. At heart, however, he is a gentle and relaxed giant who also likes to be cuddled.
6. Dogo Argentino
Strength, courage and independence describe this guard and hunting dogwho at families in the country can increase its popularity.
In experienced hands he fits well in one active family one who likes to be in the in the great outdoors.
urban Noise rather leads to irritations and his muscular build carry with you hanging cheeks also contribute to that other people and animals give him a wide berth!