Dachshund (dachshund) in breed portrait (with pictures & info)

We claim once: The breed of this breed portrait really everyone knows: the dachshund.

After all, the cute and mischievous brat belongs in both a wire-haired and smooth-haired version one of the most popular dog breeds ever.

What do you mean by dachshund everything you have to consider when it comes to health & Co. goes? You will find out now.

Dachshund Wanted Poster

Size Male: 35 to 45 cm, Female: 35 to 45 cmWeightMale: 5 to 9 kg, female: 5 to 9 kgColorsBlack, Cream, Tan, Red, Blue/Tan, Brown Tiger, Black/Tan, Chocolate & TanLife expectancy12 to 16 yearsOriginGermanycharacter/temperamentplayful, smart, brave, stubborn, headstrong, energetic, active, affectionate, loyal, faithful, devoted, livelyFCI groupGroup 4: Dachshund, with working test, section: Group 4 consists of only one section


The Dachshund has a distinctive look – and it starts with the long and narrow body with short legs.

Also typical: the cute floppy earswhich seem to reach almost to the ground in some Dachshund breeds.

The dachshund is completed by a medium length and slender tail.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

Depending on the dachshund, the fur can short, long or rough be. The coat is especially bad for the short- and long-haired dachshunds very silky and shiny and soft.

That the Wire-haired dachshunds have a rather wiry coat has, the name already suggests.

In terms of color, a lot is allowed with the dachshund.

And so it can be monochromatic or multicolored, in the following colors: Cream, Red, Tan, Blue/Tan, Black/Tan, Chocolate & Tan, and Black.

Already knew?

short-haired dachshund have no undercoat. It looks different with long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds out of. Here is the undercoat available, namely very close.

eye colors

The almond shaped eyes of the dachshund are in most cases dark brown. But also lighter amber tones are possible.

Height Weight

The size and weight of a dachshund depend largely on about which dachshund it is now.

There is not only the «normal dachshund», but three other dachshund breeds with different sizes and weights.

Generally should neither males nor females one for the normal dachshund Exceed shoulder height of 45 centimeters.

And that too Weight should no higher than 9 kilograms stand out.

Already knew?

In addition to the normal dachshund, which is bred as a long-haired, short-haired and wire-haired dachshund, there are the following dachshund breeds: the miniature dachshund and the rabbit dachshund.

History & Origin of the Dachshund

The dachshund comes originally from Germany. Its history can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Here the little rascal was already used as a hunting dog.

To his Ancestors belong to Bracken. The small hunting dog has always had a «specialty»: hunting badgers – hence the name dachshund.

But also foxes the small dog can thanks to its narrow and low body follow them into their buildings.

And since he was – and partly still is – a hunting dog, he became up until the 19th century it was held almost exclusively by the nobility. Only this one was reserved to go hunting.

A standard for dachshund breeding there is only since 1925. The recognition by the FCI happened then in 1955.

Essence & character of the dachshund

Dachshunds have one exuberant and energetic temperament. They are active, playfulhave a strong hunting instinctcan headstrong and stubborn be.

In addition, dachshunds very brave and courageous.

Together with their faithful and loyal nature, they also belong to the affectionate dogswho would do almost anything for their people.

attitude & upbringing

That a dachshund because of its size in the attitude should be uncomplicated, is almost self-explanatory.

What you should still pay attention to here and how it is with the Upbringing looks? Let’s look at that now.


The dachshund needed not much space. But that doesn’t mean that he wants to be left alone in an apartment all day – on the contrary.

Whether apartment or house, garden or not: Exercise – and lots of it with enough variety – is as important for the badger as the air it breathes.

Once he has closed his people in his dachshund heart, the little fur nose understands itself also excellent with older children.

Good to know

With the right employment you can do the dachshund too leave alone for several hours. He doesn’t tend to take everything apart right away.


Who can not resist the dachshund look of a dachshund puppy, almost lost and can almost write off the upbringing.

Because with With this look, the dog tries to wrap you around his cute paws – and with that above all live out his stubbornness and stubbornness.

So it also says for the dachshund: Consistency, instinct and a loving assertiveness are compulsory in education.

By the way, so that the little fur nose doesn’t get bored, among other things are suitable these dog sports and pursuits especially good:

Health & Care

May the dachshund have a sturdy Health be happy? Or are there some breed-specific diseases that can cause him problems?

Let’s take a closer look at that – and of course at them Carethat the little furry nose needs.

Grooming & General Grooming

How intense the grooming of the dachshund fails depends largely on the type of fur away.

Is it one long-haired dachshundwould like the fur of course brushed and combed a few times a week become.

Also the Wire-haired dachshunds need a little more grooming. And especially if the coat change takes place.

On the other hand, the coat care is uncomplicated short-haired dachshund.

Here it is enough, the fur brushing the fur thoroughly once a weekto remove dirt and dead hair.

In addition, what counts above all ears to the body parts that a increased level of attention require.

This is the only way to avoid inflammation or to detect it in good time.

And like any dog, your dachshund will be grateful when you look around his eyes, his teeth and his paws take care of him and protect him from diseases.


Unfortunately, the dachshund is one of the dog breeds that have many breed-related diseases. These include, among others, the following:

In the dachshund paralysis it is about some kind of herniated disc. This is negatively favored by the short legs.

Please always keep in mind: Once a year it should be for a Check up at the vet go.

Also wormers and vaccinations as well as the parasite prophylaxis should not be forgotten with the dachshund so that no problems arise.

Life expectancy

With the right diet, a species-appropriate upbringing and husbandry, a dachshund can between 12 and 16 years to become old.

Is the dachshund right for me?

The dachshund is suitable definitely as a beginner dog – but you should do a little research on dog training here.

Also as family dog is the dachshund suitable. In addition, he loves all people – no matter how old or young – who like him active and are out and about in the great outdoors.

Dachshund fun facts

Finally there is as always some exciting fun facts – this time, of course, to the dachshund.

The dachshund has a total 15 different breed names. These include Dachshund, Sausage Dog, Wiener (in English) and Teckel, among others.

The dachshund was the 20 years ago Star of a German sitcom, Janitor Krause. The said caretaker’s motto was: «Everything for the dachshund, everything for the club.»

Dogs don’t mind getting wet. Not so the dachshund. In fact, he’s supposed to be quite a aversion to water have.

A dachshund puppy from a reputable breeder costs from €1,000.

Do you already live with a dachshund? Then we would be very happy if you share some of your stories and adventures with us in the comments 😊