A beard not only looks attractive on men, but also gives a strong and smart appearance to dogs with a beard.
However, the fur of the four-legged friends not only serves as a decoration, but also offers protection against infections and injuries from undergrowth or other animals.
Did you know that some of these dog breeds can grow a floor-length beard?
1. The Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest of the three species of Schnauzers. However, they all have the typical mustache.
His whiskers are smooth and long and also mostly lighter than the rest of the fur.
The beard should regularly groomed to prevent dirt or odors from accumulating in it. Also the bushy eyebrows and the rough, wiry fur have to be brushed again and again.
2. The wire-haired fox terrier
The Fox Terrier has on the legs, chest and beard fur of different lengths.
He should trimmed every few months be so that the fur does not become too fuzzy and his rough, wiry structure keeps. If the Fox Terrier is shorn, the color pigments in the coat are lost and it will silver.
The Beard hair is longer than the rest of the coat and just needs to be combed.
3. The Tibetan Terrier
The Tibetan Terrier’s beard is long and smooth and can, if not trimmed, up to 15 cm long become!
Tibetan Terriers come from Tibet and are often used as guard dogs there. The long fur can either smooth or wavy be and is easy to care for, because it does not shed.
This dog’s paws are large and flat, allowing it to walk well even in the snow.
4. The wire-haired dachshund
The wire-haired dachshund is different from other dachshund species short, close fitting and wiry coat.
He has one short beard, which may be trimmed a little should it grow too long and become matted.
on the floppy ears By the way, the fur of the wire-haired dachshund remains always soft and short.
Reading tip: You can find more wire-haired dog breeds here.
5. The Bolognese
The Bolognese are one of them lapdog and are due to her playful and cuddly kind perfect companion and family dogs.
The little dog will only about 30 cm tallbut impresses with his airy, fluffy and frizzy fur.
Bolognese are often described as little clouds as their fur is always pure white.
The beard hair above the nose should be brushed every few days.
6. The Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Its smooth fat can grow so long that it look like a living mop leaves!
That’s why the Shih Tzu is too one of the most maintenance-intensive breeds. The fur must be best combed daily and the long beard cleaned after each meal.
The typical small braid helps keep his hair out of his eyes.
7. The Bearded Collie
Because the long beard of the Bearded Collie gives it its name, it is also often referred to as «Beardie».
If the whiskers are not trimmed regularly, they will grow so long that the dog will not be able to see them interferes with drinking and eating.
The Bearded Collie originates from Scotlandwhere he is traditionally considered German shepherd serves.
Be thick fur keeps him warm even in cold and bad weather.
8th. The German Wirehaired Pointer
The Deutsch-Drahthaar not only has wiry fur, but also one bristly beard. When sniffing, leaves or snow in winter often get stuck.
He is a enthusiastic hunting dog and has a lot of self-confidence. He is best suited for an experienced dog owner who gives him lots of fun and adventure can offer.
Because he learns quickly and with pleasure and as very loyal applies, he can also live with active families.
9. The Schapendoes
As the sound of its name suggests, the Schapendoes comes from from the Netherlands.
He is a reliable herding dog and is therefore often kept by shepherds.
His long fur is often wavy and the Beard is medium length and wispy. One should brush the Schapendoes regularly.
10. The Maltese
The Maltese enchants with his elegant but also cute appearance.
The white fur of the Maltese will floor length and must as well as the long beard be combed daily.
Although Maltese playful and happy are, need them relatively little leakage and also like to relax with their favorite person.
They do not like to be separated from their caregiver and should not be left alone for long.
11. The Yorkshire Terrier
Although the Yorkshire Terrier one of the smallest dog breeds is, he is considered brave and confident.
Its long fur sometimes reaches the ground, making its short legs almost invisible.
The Beard also grows very long and needs regular brushing and cleaning unless trimmed.
12. The Scottish Terrier
Typical of the Scottish Terrier are his long beard and eyebrows with the shorter haired ones prick ears.
Be rest of the fur is short and wiry. Since he only sheds a little, he can easily in apartments held become.
In their country of origin, Scotland, they were born because of their alert nature often used as hunting dogs.
13. The Wheaten Terrier
The full name of this dog breed is actually Irish soft-coated wheaten terrier, is usually abbreviated for the sake of simplicity.
It is a Irish guard and hunting dog with a trusting and playful personality.
The name comes from his soft, long, and wheat-colored fur. The beard can be up to ten centimeters become long and can be trimmed if necessary.
14. The Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog is a old english sheepdogwho due to his short, stubby tail also known as «Bobtail».
Its fur is long and voluminous and makes it look bigger than it actually is. The thick beard and chop give it a shaggy appearance.
True, the Bobtail is a dear family dogbut is also because of his head of hair care-intensive.
15. The Lhasa Apso
The fact that the Lhasa Apso has lop ears falls through long, lush fur usually not at all.
The fur can be found on the body, on the head and on the beard floor length become. In order for it to retain its shine and not become brittle, it must maintained regularly become.
Her lovable and loyal character makes him a good family pet.
16. Barbet
The Barbet is a French water dog that a lot of exercise needs.
However, he has one very friendly and sociable characterwhich makes him an ideal family dog.
The barbet’s fur is medium length and woolly and he has one short, curly mustache as well as one short beard under the chin.
17. The Deerhound
The Deerhound is one kind of Greyhounds, which comes from Scotland and is often used as a hunting dog there. It is primarily trained to hunt large animals such as deer and deer.
His is typical rough, short furthat protects it from wind and rain. Also the long eyebrows and the shaggy beard define its appearance.
The Deerhound prefers cool weather and is uncomfortable in very warm regions.
18. The Pyrenean Sheepdog
This dog comes from France, where it is mainly used as a German shepherd is used.
He learns quickly and can be trained wellbut required lots of outdoor exerciseas he very energetic is.
There are two species of this breed – one with a short and one with a long, wavy coat. In the long-haired variant, the face is usually covered by thick hair.