Incurin for Dogs: Application, Dosage & Side Effects

Incurin for dogs is a veterinary medicine, which is mainly used in bitches. This is when they suffer from urinary incontinence.

This is bladder weakness, which can occur more frequently as a result of castration.

This guide will tell you which things you need to pay particular attention to when it comes to Incurin for dogs.

Incurin for dogs: what it is and what it is used for

Incurin for Dogs is given to bitches who are under a hormonal bladder weakness suffer, i.e. a hormonal disease.

Such bladder weakness or urinary incontinence usually occurs in bitches that have had part of the uterus and ovaries removed by castration.

As a result, the bitches lack the sex hormone estrogen, which in turn can lead to a loosening of the sphincter muscle of the urethra.

Bladder weakness is also more common in older bitches.

Here, weakening connective tissue is the main reason why the urethral sphincter no longer works.

Being overweight, which can also be a consequence of castration, can have a negative impact on the urethra and thus lead to bladder weakness.

Incurin for dogs can have a supportive effect here. It contains estriol – also known as estriol – in a concentration of 1 mg per Incurin tablet.

Estriol/estriol belongs to the group of estrogens, but has a weaker effect than estrogen.

Nevertheless, this can help if the bitch’s estrogen level has fallen sharply as a result of castration.

However, Incurin is not prescribed for male dogs. Instead, drugs that affect testosterone levels are used here.

Proper use and dosage of Incurin in dogs

There is one guideline that applies to the correct dosage of Incurin in dogs: The daily dose estriol/estriol may be 0.5 mg not exceed.

For once, the correct dosage of Incurin for the bitch is not based on body weight, but on the individual needs of the furry friend.

Only the veterinarian can decide which dosage is right for you, never you yourself.


This also applies to the administration of Incurin to the dog. This is really never done on your own, as it can cause serious damage.

Incurin is then used once a day after consultation with the veterinarian.

It is not always necessary to administer Incurin on several subsequent days. In many cases, the tablets are only given every 2 days.

How long does it take for Incurin to work in dogs?

The effect of Incurin in bitches usually continues only after 2 to 3 days a. The bladder weakness should then have subsided.

But since bitches are also individuals, it can also happen that the effect takes a little longer to come.

However, if you cannot see any improvement after 1 week or 10 days, an effective alternative for bladder weakness should be found.

What side effects can Incurin cause in dogs?

Incurin can cause some side effects in bitches, including including nausea and hair loss belong.

Incurin can also contribute to swelling of the milk ridges or teats. Vaginal bleeding can be another side effect.

It makes sense to have these two side effects checked by a veterinarian and, if necessary, to find an alternative or a different dosage.

Another side effect observed in bitches treated with Incurin was that they became significantly more interesting and attractive to males.


Please note that Incurin can also affect human hormone levels when accidentally absorbed through the skin.

When should I not use Incurin on dogs?

There are some limitations that preclude giving Incurin to the dog, including Bitches that are not (yet) spayed.

Also, bitches that are pregnant or lactating should never be treated with Incurin.

In addition, Incurin is not the right medicine for dogs under the age of 1 year – nor are they automatically neutered.

If a bitch suffers from the so-called polyuria-polydipsia syndrome, she must also not be treated with Incurin.

Because here there is not only an increased fluid intake, but also an associated heavy urination.

This in turn would transport the active ingredients out of the body relatively quickly and the effect would be zero.

Where can I buy Incurin for dogs?

As prescription veterinary medicine Incurin for dogs is only available upon presentation of a prescription.

This prescription is issued by the veterinarian and can be redeemed both online and in your local pharmacy.

What are the alternatives to Incurin for dogs?

An alternative to Incurin for bitches is caniphedrine for dogs. It contains the active ingredient ephedrine, which is also said to help with hormone-related urinary incontinence.

In addition, there are some natural remedies that can be given to the bitch for bladder weakness if Incurin has had a bad experience.

Pumpkin seeds, which contain phytoestrogens and phytosterols, are suitable here.

In addition, the homeopathic remedies Causticum and Staphysagria are said to help balance hormone levels.

The following applies to all alternatives: Please first check with your veterinarian whether these are really sensible things for your dog.

Does your dog suffer from bladder weakness and therefore needs Incurin? Then we would be happy if you share your experiences and your tips in our comments.