Leaving a Chihuahua alone: ​​You should pay attention to this!

You would like most all day with yours chihuahua be – what not always possible is, for example because of work.

That means for your Chihuahua: He has to to deal with themselveswithout a drama erupting.

What you when leaving your Chihuahua alone and how it worksyou will now find out.

In a nutshell: Can I leave my Chihuahua alone?

You cannot leave your Chihuahua alone for long because the clingy furry nose quite alternative occupations will search.

Because the race is considered canine diva who is always the center of attention want to stand. It also encourages being left alone for long periods of time Separation anxiety and abnormal behavior.

How long can I leave my Chihuahua at home alone?

Chihuahua experts give the following benchmark: You should Chihuahuas should never be left alone for more than 6 hours permit.

And this period of time must be one absolute exception be – of course it is better if your Chihuahua maximum 3 hours without you is in the apartment.

For puppies are valid even shorter time windows. The rule of thumb that applies here is the following: The younger the chihuahua, the less time should he alone be.

How can I train my Chihuahua to leave him at home alone?

So how do you manage it, your mini furry friend? teach to be aloneso that you can leave the house or apartment with a clear conscience?

Very simple – with one Alone training that will take a few weeks of your time and patience will take. And with these steps works it.

Take your time

Did your chihuahua just move in with you? Then begin preferably immediately with the trainingbut take it for yourself enough time.

Good to know

It may be useful at first, definitely 1 to 2 weeks vacation to take your chihuahua not already after a few days left alone without warning must.

Pass the right moment

Getting your Chihuahua used to being alone should only be done then start when the dog relaxes is.

Isn’t he increases the stress for the fur nose, which in turn is extremely unhealthy. It makes sense to be alone after a walk to start.

Because then the Chihuahua tired and should also not be tense be. However, you should click here pay attention to state of mind.

Because it can also be that yours Fellnase still totally over and turned up is.

Take care of relaxation

The room for the Chihuahua to get used to being left alone should be open definitely a safe retreat have.

For example a dog bed with your favorite blanket.

Slowly increase the time intervals

Does your Chihuahua feel safe? Then leave first the room for a few secondsin which he resides.

It is important that you room door closesso one spatial limit between your Chihuahua and you.

The seconds turned into minutes in the following days.

Leave your apartment or house

Your chihuahua breaks even after a few minutes of your absence not in crocodile tears out and does the house bark together?

Then on to what is probably the most important step: leaving the apartment.

Again, you should first proceed in minutesbefore you slowly towards the hourly rate move.

Our tip

leave in this time relaxing music playing and enter your chihuahua Garment that smells like you. So he feels safe and secure.

What can I do to keep my Chihuahua happy and busy when left alone?

Your Chihuahua now knows he does too can stay alone for once? Perfect – then you only need them following things available to ask so he doesn’t get bored.

toys with toys

Sound mysterious? But it is not. Among other things, a Tunnel in which balls are hidden are.

Your Chihuahua should be his enjoy chasing these balls for a few hours.

The goal is for him to forget that he might get bored. And also makes him tired of playing.

A toy that is attached to the wall

A toy attached to a fixed tape on the wall hanging is perfect to keep your little diva busy.

Here the little furry nose can bite, tug and growl at will. She doesn’t even notice that you’re not near her.

chewing bones & Co.

If the boredom is too great, can chew bones and intelligence toys stop your Chihuahua from molesting your sofa or shoes.

The advantage of intelligence toys: You can take them with you fill with your favorite food or treat.

It keeps your chihuahua busy ideally for a long timeuntil he finally got his food. Also the gray cells are challengedand that is also important.


You should have your Chihuahua in puppyhood no longer than 2 to 3 hours to leave alone. This guideline also applies for the grown rascal.

If it cannot be avoided, your Chihuahua should cope with being alone for 6 hours.

For this to work, you should Teach puppies to be alone at an early age and plan enough time for it.

Also employment opportunities How a chewing bone or a toy tunnel are important to prevent boredom.

Do you have any other tips for us on how a Chihuahua learns to be alone? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊